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Re: not really pgp signing in van

2013-09-09 20:13:42
On Sep 9, 2013, at 9:07 PM, John Levine <johnl(_at_)taugh(_dot_)com> wrote:
Yes, and no.  PGP and S/MIME each have their own key distribution
problems.  With PGP, it's easy to invent a key, and hard to get other
people's software to trust it.  With S/MIME it's harder to get a key,
but once you have one, the software is all happy.

That's a bug, not a feature.   The PGP key is almost certainly more trustworthy 
than the S/MIME key.

The MUAs I use (Thunderbird, Alpine, Evolution) support S/MIME a lot
better than they support PGP.  There's typically a one key command or
a button to turn signing and encryption on and off, and they all
automagically import the certs from on incoming mail.

Yup.   That's also a bug, not a feature.   I was just wondering why that is.   
The only implementation I've seen a reference to is Sylpheed, which is not 
widely used.