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Re: Alternative decision process in RTCWeb

2013-11-29 05:41:49
On Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 11:05 PM, Cullen Jennings <fluffy(_at_)iii(_dot_)ca> 

As a quick cheat sheet to where browser vendors might stand on this

I think this is stating the obvious, but just for the record, there's a
much broader community than just the four leading browser vendors.

Pretty much all the existing Jingle/XMPP community is tracking this work
very closely, for example, and I think it'd be fair to say that any MTI
affecting WebRTC will essentially be transcribed into XEP-0266/XEP-0299 as
the MTI for Jingle.

I don't think it's be a stretch to assume that most VOIP players are in a
similar situation - WebRTC will essentially define the baseline for voice
and video over the internet.

This is, of course, just following the simple fact that there are many more
browsers deployed than desktop XMPP clients, for example, and efforts such
as and take advantage of interop
between Jingle and the browser.

As a further note, the XMPP/Jingle community has done perfectly well, so
far, with no MTI, but I'm asking their opinion at the moment - an early,
and particular well-written, response from Emil Ivov is here:
