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Re: Multi-homed BCP38

2014-01-09 10:10:43
On Thu, 9 Jan 2014, Patrik Fältström wrote:

Not being an IP-routing person, but chair of SSAC in ICANN, I hear people for the reasons 
you bring up are more in favor of a mechanism where one talk about explicitly 
"filtering at the edge of the Internet" and not at every point where routes are 

Because of this, please also include SAC004 in your investigation.


I see it mentions the exact scenario I mentioned, but then says "This is only a slight complication and does not invalidate the approach." Maybe it was slight in 2002, but it seems to be more than slight now.

John Levine, johnl(_at_)iecc(_dot_)com, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for 
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