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Re: Web Anniversary

2014-03-12 14:16:58

        > From: Jaap Akkerhuis <jaap(_at_)NLnetLabs(_dot_)nl>
        > There was actually an Arpanet (or Milnet?) link to the NL as well, via
        > TNO-FELS (if I remember correctly although it was not supposed to be
        > known).
    The only overseas ARPANET nodes were Norway and London, and (at a later 
    after they had already left for Internet-only links) Frankfurt. There was at
    least one MILNET node in the Netherlands (Rotterdam). See:

Yes, probably the same thing. TNO-FELS was/is located in Delft which
is a stone throw from Rotterdam. Their official seat might have been
in Rotterdam. Anyway, that thing was off limits for mere mortals.
(TNO-FELS or what it was called at that time, and was rumored to
be involved in NATO related contract work).

(Make that .html).

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