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Re: [saag] Is opportunistic unauthenticated encryption a waste of time?

2014-08-23 16:06:25
On Sat, Aug 23, 2014 at 09:33:27PM +0100, Stephen Farrell wrote:

However, say we're wrong and someone who thinks OS is a waste
of time is actually correct, what would such a person recommend
that we do as well as, or instead of, OS?

For the record I started work on "opportunistic DANE TLS", in March
2013, well before PM became a major concern.  It was designed as
a way to scalably enable authentication in SMTP, by making that
opportunistic (enabled peer by peer as DANE TLSA RRs are deployed).

So I see OS as a strategy to incrementally broaden both the use of
encryption AND the use of authentication.

Whether protocols other than MTA-to-MTA SMTP can implement OS *with*
authentication remains to be seen.  I hope that will prove possible
over time.  For mobile device applications, we may have to wait
for the DNSSEC "last mile problem" to be largely addressed before
significant progress in that direction can be made.


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