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RE: As if you don't have enough to read..

2015-03-13 12:46:19
Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote :
Going to court to dispute the particular authority under which the FCC has 
proposed regulations when they obviously have authority that
you are going to find far more onerous is a strategy that is more to the 
interests of the lawyers and lobbyists than their clients.
Their new 'product' they are offering being to help relieve their client of a 
few more tens of millions for litigation, lobbying and
spurious 'research' fighting the title II regulations.

Precisely. New source of revenue, each side gets a piece of the pie.

The only mystery here is why the administration chose Internet regulation to 
be the topic on which they insisted a stand be taken
rather than one of the other dozens of issues where it is rather easier to 
understand what the regulations should be.

Mmm, the political gain does not look too bad to me, what would you have picked 
instead ?

Getting a different set of lobbyists and sacking the faux researchers would 
be a good start.

What makes you think their replacements would be better ?
