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Re: comments on newly generated html draft format and font sizes

2015-04-22 12:37:29
Hi -

From: Mikael Abrahamsson <swmike(_at_)swm(_dot_)pp(_dot_)se>
Sent: Apr 22, 2015 5:26 AM
To: ietf(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org
Subject: comments on newly generated html draft format and font sizes


I don't know where to turn, so I'll send email here.

I am reading two documents:

The last one was created in in the past day or so. I noticed that it was 
in a much larger font size than other IETF html documents. I looked into 
the source, and the first one has "font-size: 1em;" in body {} and the 
last one has "font-size: 12pt;". I don't know if that's actually is the 
right place to look, but that's the one I found.

For me, it's the other way around.  My system is configured so
"1em" is significantly larger than "12pt".  (My eyes aren't what
they used to be.)

I am not an expert in HTML and CSS, but "1em" seems to result in a better 
expected result for me than "12pt".


I like the old format better, the 12pt documents just defaults to too big 
text for me.

I like the old format better, the 12pt document just defaults to too *small*
text for me.
