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Re: IESG Statement on surprised authors

2015-05-31 03:53:10
Whereas I take issue with the IESG (and IAB) making statements that
should be handled (a) through our normative processes and document
series; and (b) where there should be certain standards across our
document series, and this is one of them.

On 5/31/15 3:38 AM, John C Klensin wrote:

--On Saturday, May 30, 2015 18:19 -0500 Spencer Dawkins at IETF
<spencerdawkins(_dot_)ietf(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com> wrote:

More broadly than just to John ...
And my note was a little bit of an over-specific response to
Eliot and David.  To be clear, modulo the quibble about putting
one toe into the Acknowledgments swamp, rather than either
keeping it out or jumping in all the way, I think the IESG's
handling of this is, AFAICT, just right and shows sensitivity to
all of the right issues.   I am also reasonably confident that,
if the IESG does not assert authority I don't think it has or
should have, the other streams and the RSE can (and likely will)
take care of themselves.  I didn't see any signs of such
assertions before in this situation; your note provides
reassurance that I didn't just miss them :-)


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