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Re: Gen-ART LC review of draft-bradner-iaoc-terms-01

2015-07-29 07:17:54

--On Wednesday, July 29, 2015 05:23 -0400 "Scott O. Bradner"
<sob(_at_)sobco(_dot_)com> wrote:

those 3 people plus the ISOC appointed IAOC member can not be

asking one of these does make sense - but I think that should
not be in this "update BCP 101" document

Agree on the document.

fwiw - Ray has been actually running the process for at least
as long as I've been on the IAOC that does not mean that he
should continue to do so, it is just a factoid

To be clear, while I think the optics are bad, as long as it is
Ray, I don't have a problem.  But I don't want to see anything
written into a spec that would have to be adjusted or undone if
Ray's successor had a different personality or set of skills.
So, again, saying nothing, or explicitly leaving it up to the
IAOC each time, seems appropriate to me.
