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Re: Looking for Area Directors Under Lampposts

2015-11-12 07:39:00
On 11/11/15 11:40 PM, Eliot Lear wrote:
I am suggesting that Einstein's rule about insanity applies.

On the other hand, the saying that you never fish the
same river twice may have some relevance.  Things
do change - the participants, the circumstances, the
workload, the frustration level, etc.  I think one thing
that's definitely changed is the amount of effort going into
chartering, and it's not clear to me that it's paid off.
I'd suggest that the proliferation of "problem statement"
working group documents suggests that it might not have,
although it might also be the case that if the problem
statement deliverables went away nobody would notice their
absence because the charters are so clear.  Dunno.
