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Re: unaccessible for Tor users

2016-03-15 13:07:57

On Mar 15, 2016, at 17:55, Michel Py 
<michel(_at_)arneill-py(_dot_)sacramento(_dot_)ca(_dot_)us> wrote:

That is true to the extent that I counted myself several times and the last 
time I counted (this year) out of the known 1827 Tor exit nodes, 896 were 
marked as having "malicious" activities; it goes over the half mark on a 
regular basis. This data is not public (yet) but it will be soon, it's not 
based on Cloudflare data. I'm not the only one who has observed it either; 
there are reasons why both attack mitigation solution providers and 
end-networks filter and/or block Tor.

So, what percentage of the volume/outflow from those same proxies was 

Surely you're making the mistake of categorizing the neighborhood, when you 
should be categorizing the people?

By comparison: what percentage of the world's SMTP is spam? What percentage of 
the world's HTTP is filesharing?

If you're not looking at the whole picture, you are making a "one bad apple" 
mistake - amplified, because Tor rotates their occasional bad apples around 
exit nodes just like everyone else.


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