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Academics Hub?

2016-03-17 11:23:01
The Hubs idea looks like it is a good one. I have a boatload of tools
that I am sure would be useful to other IETF-ers but when I am at a
meeting I am busy working on protocol proposals the tools were written
to support. Meeting up on a local basis is probably a better idea.

In addition to geographic affinity groups, there might be a utility to
other community groups. In particular academics.

Every year, people who are teaching courses are looking for
interesting project proposals for their students. This is often the
thing I am asked about at MIT.

The project I am working on right now is designed to allow us to start
making use of some of the more interesting public key cryptography
beyond simple encryption and signature. It also provides a way to
start experimenting with new trust models. There is a lot of scope for
student projects at every level.

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