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Re: DMARC and

2016-08-13 07:03:32
There are certain senders from whom all the IETF mail I get is marked by
gmail as spam and winds up in the spam folder, because they are using
dmarc.   This hasn't gotten more urgent.   It was urgent when it started.
The complaint is that nothing has changed since then.   This is a classic
case of "best is the enemy of good enough."

On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 10:39 PM, John Levine <johnl(_at_)taugh(_dot_)com> 

Yes. It's been months and we need to know ASAP ...

ASAP?  Nothing has changed for months.

Google has repeatedly said that they're not going to turn on DMARC
until ARC is available.


PS: For my lists, I have a shim that rewrites addresses like
marissa(_at_)yahoo(_dot_)com to 
marissa(_at_)yahoo(_dot_)com(_dot_)dmarc(_dot_)fail, and sets up
temporary forwards.  It's simple and works nicely, and since it's
a shim between the list manager and the MTA, it doesn't require
surgery on mailman.

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