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Re: IETF Mailing Lists and DMARC

2016-11-04 10:38:29

Ted Lemon <mellon(_at_)fugue(_dot_)com> wrote:
    > FWIW, I use Google For Work (or whatever it's called this week) and it
    > doesn't automatically add DMARC headers--that's something that you have
    > to configure, apparently.  So while I think that is probably
    > a lost cause, if your org is using GfW, you don't have to use DMARC.

Yes, that's true. (for google employees) apparently does have DMARC enabled.
That's a policy decision they made.

Some places (paypal, I think), moved all their employees to,
so they could DMARC for their official emails, without screwing their
employees' work.

Michael Richardson <mcr+IETF(_at_)sandelman(_dot_)ca>, Sandelman Software Works
 -= IPv6 IoT consulting =-

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