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Re: I-D Action: draft-thomson-postel-was-wrong-01.txt

2017-06-23 12:34:47
Hi, John,

On 6/22/2017 10:04 PM, John C Klensin wrote:

I think we are in agreement -- we have been so far-- 
We are.
but let me
add a real world example that might help clarify some of  this.

Your example makes a good point - my interpretation of that is "don't
rely on half of the Postel Principle".

... there is a long history of reasonable
applications of the principle and an equally long on of
unreasonable applications including situations in which senders
have claimed "be liberal about what you accept" allows them to
send complete nonsense and, if things then don't work, to claim
that is the receiver's fault (see my earlier comments about
common sense).
They need to "be conservative in what you send".

The principle cuts both ways.


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