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Re: a few short notes

2004-02-02 14:18:23

If you use UTF-8, then the only ability you really need globally is
the ability to manipulate streams of 8-bit bytes. Any problems with that?

The problem isn't the encoding inside the computer, it's the user or administrator that must be able to do something reasonable with it. In this regard, UTF-8 encoding doesn't help much.

Why not? I I want to block an email address, copy paste of UTF-8 still works.


Can be copied /pasted by any GUI that supports UTF-8.
Now assuming that my mailer did not break the UTF-8 :-)


Doug Royer                     |
Doug(_at_)Royer(_dot_)com                 | Office: (208)520-4044   | Fax:    (866)594-8574
                              | Cell:   (208)520-4044

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