
Re: Splitting odd archives?

1997-06-21 21:37:23
At 03:24 PM 6/20/97 -0700, Earl Hood wrote:
I've got some larger mail archives (800K or so) that I've been trying to
split with mhonarc. Seems that they all begun with a Return-Path: line, and
mhonarc wasn't too happy about that. So I added the following (with a

From xyzzy
Is the ">" part of your preprocessor?

Nope - where did you get that from? Here's my original message (is your
mailer adding that?)

*I've got some larger mail archives (800K or so) that I've been trying to
*with mhonarc. Seems that they all begun with a Return-Path: line, and
*wasn't too happy about that. So I added the following (with a preprocessor):
*From xyzzy
*Return-Path: whatever
*Why doesn't Mhonarc split it with that? It still thinks it's one big message.

You might want to look at the MSGSEP resource.

I did, with no luck. Once I fiddled around with this (and learned the line
above each message didn't match /^\n$/, but matched /^\s\n$/, I did much
better :^)
-=TED=-    O-    JAPH    tedder(_at_)abcompsvc(_dot_)com    PGP available
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