
Re: printable documentation

1998-01-06 09:32:54
On Tue, 6 Jan 1998, Al Gilman wrote:

There are some sample worked cases.

There are cases in the FAQ that show me how to call MHonArc using procmail
or .forward and the like (and those are useful), but there are no examples
of resource files for changing the layout of maillist.html .  I printable
version of the FAQ also would be nice. 

But after browsing of FAQ and docs, I hope that I now have a better
sense of things, so I can start experimenting with resource files.

Jeffrey Goldberg                +44 (0)1234 750 111 x 2826
 Cranfield Computer Centre      FAX         751 814
Relativism is the triumph of authority over truth, convention over justice.

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