

1998-11-02 22:21:39
On November 2, 1998 at 11:13, Emery Ford wrote:

Another related problem seems to occur --- The NEXTLINK resource
variable is null for the first message, as is  the PREVLINK resource
for the last message.  I am using the MULTIPG and REVERSE resource
variables, in case that might have anything to do with it.

REVERSE is what shows the problem.  This is a bug introduced in v2.3.0
due to the reimplmentation of resource variable interpolation.

I'll create another (bug fix) release this weekend.  Until then
a fixed files is attached to this message.  You can
replace the with one in the distribution.


##  File:
##      @(#) 2.5 98/11/02 22:32:45
##  Author:
##      Earl Hood       earlhood(_at_)usa(_dot_)net
##  Description:
##      Defines routine for expanding resource variables.
##    MHonArc -- Internet mail-to-HTML converter
##    Copyright (C) 1996-1998   Earl Hood, earlhood(_at_)usa(_dot_)net
##    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
##    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
##    (at your option) any later version.
##    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##    GNU General Public License for more details.
##    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
##    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
##    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
##    02111-1307, USA

package mhonarc;

## Mapping of old resource variables to current versions.
my %old2new = (
    'FIRSTPG'           => [ 'PG', 'FIRST' ],
    'LASTPG'            => [ 'PG', 'LAST' ],
    'NEXTBUTTON'        => [ 'BUTTON', 'NEXT' ],
    'NEXTFROM'          => [ 'FROM', 'NEXT' ],
    'NEXTFROMADDR'      => [ 'FROMADDR', 'NEXT' ],
    'NEXTFROMNAME'      => [ 'FROMNAME', 'NEXT' ],
    'NEXTLINK'          => [ 'LINK', 'NEXT' ],
    'NEXTMSG'           => [ 'MSG', 'NEXT' ],
    'NEXTMSGNUM'        => [ 'MSGNUM', 'NEXT' ],
    'NEXTPG'            => [ 'PG', 'NEXT' ],
    'NEXTPGLINK'        => [ 'PGLINK', 'NEXT' ],
    'NEXTSUBJECT'       => [ 'SUBJECT', 'NEXT' ],
    'PREVBUTTON'        => [ 'BUTTON', 'PREV' ],
    'PREVFROM'          => [ 'FROM', 'PREV' ],
    'PREVFROMADDR'      => [ 'FROMADDR', 'PREV' ],
    'PREVFROMNAME'      => [ 'FROMNAME', 'PREV' ],
    'PREVLINK'          => [ 'LINK', 'PREV' ],
    'PREVMSG'           => [ 'MSG', 'PREV' ],
    'PREVMSGNUM'        => [ 'MSGNUM', 'PREV' ],
    'PREVPGLINK'        => [ 'PGLINK', 'PREV' ],
    'PREVPG'            => [ 'PG', 'PREV' ],
    'PREVSUBJECT'       => [ 'SUBJECT', 'PREV' ],
    'TFIRSTPG'          => [ 'PG', 'TFIRST' ],
    'TLASTPG'           => [ 'PG', 'TLAST' ],
    'TNEXTBUTTON'       => [ 'BUTTON', 'TNEXT' ],
    'TNEXTFROM'         => [ 'FROM', 'TNEXT' ],
    'TNEXTLINK'         => [ 'LINK', 'TNEXT' ],
    'TNEXTMSG'          => [ 'MSG', 'TNEXT' ],
    'TNEXTMSGNUM'       => [ 'MSGNUM', 'TNEXT' ],
    'TNEXTPGLINK'       => [ 'PGLINK', 'TNEXT' ],
    'TNEXTPG'           => [ 'PG', 'TNEXT' ],
    'TNEXTSUBJECT'      => [ 'SUBJECT', 'TNEXT' ],
    'TPREVBUTTON'       => [ 'BUTTON', 'TPREV' ],
    'TPREVFROM'         => [ 'FROM', 'TPREV' ],
    'TPREVLINK'         => [ 'LINK', 'TPREV' ],
    'TPREVMSG'          => [ 'MSG', 'TPREV' ],
    'TPREVMSGNUM'       => [ 'MSGNUM', 'TPREV' ],
    'TPREVPGLINK'       => [ 'PGLINK', 'TPREV' ],
    'TPREVPG'           => [ 'PG', 'TPREV' ],
    'TPREVSUBJECT'      => [ 'SUBJECT', 'TPREV' ],

##      replace_li_var() is used to substitute vars to current
##      values.  This routine relies on some variables being set by the
##      calling routine or as globals.
sub replace_li_var {
    my($val, $index) = ($_[0], $_[1]);
    my($var,$len,$canclip,$raw,$isurl,$tmp,$ret) = ('',0,0,0,0,'','');
    my($jstr) = (0);
    my($expand) = (0);
    my($n) = (0);
    my($isfirst, $islast, $tisfirst, $tislast);
    my($lref, $key, $pos);
    my($arg, $opt) = ("", "");

    ##  Get variable argument string
    if ($val =~ s/\(([^()]*)\)//) {
        $arg = $1;

    ##  Get length specifier (if defined)
    ($var, $len) = split(/:/, $val, 2);
    $len = -1  unless defined $len;

    ##  Check for old resource variables and map to new
    ($var, $arg) = @{$old2new{$var}}  if defined($old2new{$var});

    ##  Check if variable in a URL string
    $isurl = 1  if ($len =~ s/u//ig);   
    $jstr  = 1  if ($len =~ s/j//ig);   

    ##  Set index related variables
    if ($index ne '') {
        if ($REVSORT) {
            $isfirst    = ($Index2MLoc{$index} == $#MListOrder);
            $islast     = ($Index2MLoc{$index} == 0);
        } else {
            $isfirst    = ($Index2MLoc{$index} == 0);
            $islast     = ($Index2MLoc{$index} == $#MListOrder);
        $tisfirst       = ($Index2TLoc{$index} == 0);
        $tislast        = ($Index2TLoc{$index} == $#TListOrder);

    ##  Do variable replacement

        ## -------------------------------------- ##
        ## Message information resource variables ##
        ## -------------------------------------- ##
        if ($var eq 'DATE') {           ## Message "Date:"
            ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
            $tmp = defined($key) ? $Date{$key} : "";
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'DDMMYY' || $var eq 'DDMMYYYY' ||
            $var eq 'MMDDYY' || $var eq 'MMDDYYYY' ||
            $var eq 'YYMMDD' || $var eq 'YYYYMMDD') {
            ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
            $tmp = defined($key) ?
                        &time2mmddyy((split(/$X/o, $key))[0], lc $var) :
            last REPLACESW;
        my($cnd1, $cnd2, $cnd3) = (0,0,0);
        if (($cnd1 = ($var eq 'FROM')) ||       ## Message "From:"
            ($cnd2 = ($var eq 'FROMADDR')) ||   ## Message from mail address
            ($cnd3 = ($var eq 'FROMNAME'))) {   ## Message from name
            my $esub = $cnd1 ? sub { $_[0]; } :
                       $cnd2 ? \&extract_email_address :
            $canclip = 1; $raw = 1;
            ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
            $tmp = defined($key) ? &$esub($From{$key}) : "(nil)";
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'ICON') {           ## Message icon
            ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
            if (!defined($key)) { $tmp = ""; last REPLACESW; }
            $tmp = $Icons{$ContentType{$key}} ?
                        join(qq|<IMG SRC="$Icons{$ContentType{$key}}" |,
                             qq|ALT="[$ContentType{$key}]">|) :
                        qq|<IMG SRC="$Icons{'unknown'}" ALT="[unknown]">|;
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'ICONURL') {        ## URL to message icon
            $isurl = 0;
            ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
            if ($Icons{$ContentType{$key}}) {
                $tmp = $Icons{$ContentType{$key}};
            } else {
                $tmp = $Icons{'unknown'};
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'MSG') {            ## Filename of message page
            ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
            $tmp = defined($key) ? &msgnum_filename($IndexNum{$key}) : "";
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'MSGGMTDATE') {     ## Message GMT date
            ($lref, $key, $pos, $opt) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
            $tmp = &time2str($opt || $MsgGMTDateFmt,
                             &get_time_from_index($key), 0);
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'MSGID') {          ## Message-ID
            ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
            $tmp = defined($key) ? $Index2MsgId{$index} : "";
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'MSGLOCALDATE') {   ## Message local date
            ($lref, $key, $pos, $opt) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
            $tmp = &time2str($opt || $MsgLocalDateFmt,
                             &get_time_from_index($key), 1);
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'MSGNUM') {         ## Message number
            ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
            $tmp = defined($key) ? &fmt_msgnum($IndexNum{$key}) : "";
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'NOTE') {           ## Annotation template markup
            $expand = 1;
            ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
            $tmp = note_exists($key) ? $NOTE : $NOTEIA;
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'NOTEICON') {       ## Annotation ICON (HTML markup)
            $expand = 1;
            ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
            $tmp = note_exists($key) ? $NOTEICON : $NOTEICONIA;
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'NOTETEXT') {       ## Annotation text
            ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
            $tmp = get_note($key);
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'NUMFOLUP') {       ## Number of explicit follow-ups
            ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
            $tmp = defined($key) ? $FolCnt{$key} : "";
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'ORDNUM') {         ## Sort order number of message
            ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
            $tmp = defined($key) ? $pos+1 : -1;
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'SUBJECT') {        ## Message subject
            $canclip = 1; $raw = 1; $isurl = 0;
            ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
            $tmp = defined($key) ? $Subject{$key} : "";
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'SUBJECTNA') {      ## Message subject (not linked)
            $canclip = 1; $raw = 1;
            ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
            $tmp = defined($key) ? $Subject{$key} : "";
            last REPLACESW;

        ## ------------------------------------- ##
        ## Message navigation resource variables ##
        ## ------------------------------------- ##
        if ($var eq 'BUTTON') {
            $expand = 1;
            SW: {
                if ($arg eq 'NEXT') {
                    $tmp = (!$islast) ? $NEXTBUTTON : $NEXTBUTTONIA;
                    last SW; }
                if ($arg eq 'PREV') {
                    $tmp = (!$isfirst) ? $PREVBUTTON : $PREVBUTTONIA;
                    last SW; }
                if ($arg eq 'TNEXT') {
                    $tmp = (!$tislast) ? $TNEXTBUTTON : $TNEXTBUTTONIA;
                    last SW; }
                if ($arg eq 'TPREV') {
                    $tmp = (!$tisfirst) ? $TPREVBUTTON : $TPREVBUTTONIA;
                    last SW; }
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'LINK') {
            $expand = 1;
            SW: {
                if ($arg eq 'NEXT') {
                    $tmp = (!$islast) ? $NEXTLINK : $NEXTLINKIA;
                    last SW; }
                if ($arg eq 'PREV') {
                    $tmp = (!$isfirst) ? $PREVLINK : $PREVLINKIA;
                    last SW; }
                if ($arg eq 'TNEXT') {
                    $tmp = (!$tislast) ? $TNEXTLINK : $TNEXTLINKIA;
                    last SW; }
                if ($arg eq 'TPREV') {
                    $tmp = (!$tisfirst) ? $TPREVLINK : $TPREVLINKIA;
                    last SW; }
            last REPLACESW;

        if ($var eq 'TSLICE') {
            $tmp = &make_thread_slice($index, $TSliceNBefore, $TSliceNAfter)
                if ($TSliceNBefore != 0 || $TSliceNAfter != 0);
            last REPLACESW;

        ## -------------------------------- ##
        ## Index related resource variables ##
        ## -------------------------------- ##
        if ($var eq 'A_ATTR') {         ## Anchor attrs to link to message
            $isurl = 0;
            ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
            if (!defined($key)) { $tmp = ""; last REPLACESW; }
            $tmp = qq/NAME="/ . &fmt_msgnum($IndexNum{$key}) .
                   qq/" HREF="/ .
                   &msgnum_filename($IndexNum{$key}) .
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'A_NAME') {         ## Anchor name for message position
            $isurl = 0;
            ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
            if (!defined($key)) { $tmp = ""; last REPLACESW; }
            $tmp = qq/NAME="/ . &fmt_msgnum($IndexNum{$key}) . qq/"/;
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'A_HREF') {         ## Anchor href to link to message
            $isurl = 0;
            ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
            if (!defined($key)) { $tmp = ""; last REPLACESW; }
            $tmp = qq/HREF="/ . &msgnum_filename($IndexNum{$key}) . qq/"/;
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'IDXFNAME') {       ## Filename of index page
            if ($MULTIIDX && ($n = int($Index2MLoc{$index}/$IDXSIZE)+1) > 1) {
                $tmp = sprintf("%s%d.$HtmlExt",
                               $IDXPREFIX, $index ne '' ? $n : 1);
            } else {
                $tmp = $IDXNAME;
            $tmp .= ".gz"  if $GzipLinks;
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'IDXLABEL') {       ## Label for main index
            $tmp = $IDXLABEL;
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'IDXSIZE') {        ## Index page size
            $tmp = $IDXSIZE;
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'IDXTITLE') {       ## Main index title
            $canclip = 1; $expand = 1;
            $tmp = $TITLE;
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'NUMOFIDXMSG') {    ## Number of item on the index page
            $tmp = $PageSize;
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'NUMOFMSG') {       ## Total number of messages
            $tmp = $NumOfMsgs;
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'SORTTYPE') {       ## Sort type of index
            SORTTYPE: {
                if ($NOSORT)   { $tmp = 'Number';  last SORTTYPE; }
                if ($AUTHSORT) { $tmp = 'Author';  last SORTTYPE; }
                if ($SUBSORT)  { $tmp = 'Subject'; last SORTTYPE; }
                $tmp = 'Date';
                last SORTTYPE;
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'TIDXFNAME') {
            if ($MULTIIDX && ($n = int($Index2TLoc{$index}/$IDXSIZE)+1) > 1) {
                $tmp = sprintf("%s%d.$HtmlExt",
                               $TIDXPREFIX, $index ne '' ? $n : 1);
            } else {
                $tmp = $TIDXNAME;
            $tmp .= ".gz"  if $GzipLinks;
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'TIDXLABEL') {
            $tmp = $TIDXLABEL;
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'TIDXTITLE') {
            $canclip = 1; $expand = 1;
            $tmp = $TTITLE;
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'TSORTTYPE') {
            TSORTTYPE: {
                if ($TNOSORT)   { $tmp = 'Number';  last TSORTTYPE; }
                if ($TSUBSORT)  { $tmp = 'Subject'; last TSORTTYPE; }
                $tmp = 'Date';
                last TSORTTYPE;
            last REPLACESW;

        if ($var eq 'PGLINK') {
            $expand = 1;
            SW: {
                if ($arg eq 'NEXT') {
                    $tmp = $PageNum < $NumOfPages ?
                                        $NEXTPGLINK : $NEXTPGLINKIA;
                    last SW; }
                if ($arg eq 'PREV') {
                    $tmp = $PageNum > 1 ? $PREVPGLINK : $PREVPGLINKIA;
                    last SW; }
                if ($arg eq 'TNEXT') {
                    $tmp = $PageNum < $NumOfPages ?
                                        $TNEXTPGLINK : $TNEXTPGLINKIA;
                    last SW; }
                if ($arg eq 'TPREV') {
                    $tmp = $PageNum > 1 ? $TPREVPGLINK : $TPREVPGLINKIA;
                    last SW; }
            last REPLACESW;

        if ($var eq 'PAGENUM') {
            $tmp = $PageNum;
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'NUMOFPAGES') {
            $tmp = $NumOfPages;
            last REPLACESW;

        if ($var eq 'PG') {
            my $num = $PageNum;
            my $t = ($arg =~ s/^T//);
            my $prefix = $t ? $TIDXPREFIX : $IDXPREFIX;
            SW: {
                if ($arg eq 'NEXT')    { $num = $PageNum+1; last SW; }
                if ($arg eq 'PREV')    { $num = $PageNum-1; last SW; }
                if ($arg eq 'FIRST')   { $num = 0; last SW; }
                if ($arg eq 'LAST')    { $num = $NumOfPages; last SW; }
                if ($arg =~ /^-?\d+$/) { $num = $PageNum+$arg; last SW; }
            if ($num < 2) {
                $tmp = $t ? $TIDXNAME : $IDXNAME;
            } else {
                $num = $NumOfPages  if $num > $NumOfPages;
                $tmp = sprintf("%s%d.$HtmlExt", $prefix, $num);
            $tmp .= ".gz"  if $GzipLinks;
            last REPLACESW;

        ## -------------------------------- ##
        ## Miscellaneous resource variables ##
        ## -------------------------------- ##
        if ($var eq 'DOCURL') {
            $isurl = 0;
            $tmp = $DOCURL;
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'GMTDATE') {
            $tmp = &time2str($arg || $GMTDateFmt, time, 0);
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'IDXPREFIX') {
            $tmp = $IDXPREFIX;
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'LOCALDATE') {
            $tmp = &time2str($arg || $LocalDateFmt, time, 1);
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'MSGPREFIX') {
            $tmp = $MsgPrefix;
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'OUTDIR') {
            $tmp = $OUTDIR;
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'PROG') {
            $tmp = $PROG;
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'TIDXPREFIX') {
            $tmp = $TIDXPREFIX;
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq 'VERSION') {
            $tmp = $VERSION;
            last REPLACESW;
        if ($var eq '') {
            $tmp = '$';
            last REPLACESW;

        ## --------------------------- ##
        ## User defined variable check ##
        ## --------------------------- ##
        if (defined($CustomRcVars{$var})) {
            $expand = 1;
            $tmp = $CustomRcVars{$var};
            last REPLACESW;

        warn qq/Warning: Unrecognized variable: "$val"\n/;
        return "\$$val\$";

    ##  Check if string needs to be expanded again
    if ($expand) {
        $tmp =~ s/\$([^\$]*)\$/&replace_li_var($1,$index)/ge;

    ##  Check if URL text specifier is set
    if ($isurl) {
        $ret = &urlize($tmp);

    } else {
        if ($raw) {
            $ret = &$MHeadCnvFunc($tmp);
        } else {
            $ret = $tmp;

        # Check for clipping
        if ($len > 0 && $canclip) {
            # Check for entity refs and modify clip length accordingly
            foreach ($ret =~ /(\&[^;\s]*;)/g) {
                $len += length($_) -1;
            $ret = substr($ret, 0, $len);

        # Check if JavaScript string
        $ret =~ s/(["'])/\\$1/g  if $jstr;

    ##  Check for subject link
    $ret = qq|<A NAME="| .
           &fmt_msgnum($IndexNum{$index}) .
           qq|" HREF="| .
           &msgnum_filename($IndexNum{$index}) .
        if $var eq 'SUBJECT' && $arg eq "";


##      compute_msg_pos(): Get message location data.
sub compute_msg_pos {
    my($idx, $var, $arg) = @_;
    my($ofs, $pos, $aref, $href, $key);
    my $opt  = undef;
    my $flip = 0;

    ## Determine what list type
    if ($arg =~ s/^T//) {
        $aref = \(_at_)TListOrder;
        $href = \%Index2TLoc;
    } else {
        $aref = \(_at_)MListOrder;
        $href = \%Index2MLoc;
        $flip = $REVSORT;

    ## Extract out optional data
    ($arg, $opt) = split(/;/, $arg);

    SW: {
        $ofs =  0, last SW
            if $arg eq "" or $arg eq 'CUR';
        $ofs = ($flip ? 1 : -1), last SW
            if $arg eq 'PREV';
        $ofs = ($flip ? -1 : 1), last SW
            if $arg eq 'NEXT';
        $ofs = ($flip ? $aref->[$#$aref] : $aref->[0]), last SW
            if $arg eq 'FIRST';
        $ofs = ($flip ? $aref->[$#$aref] : $aref->[0]), last SW
            if $arg eq 'LAST';
        $ofs = ($flip ? -$arg : $arg), last SW
            if $arg =~ /^-?\d+$/;
        if ($arg eq 'PARENT') {
            my $level = $ThreadLevel{$idx};
            $pos = $Index2TLoc{$idx};
            for ( ; $pos >= 0; --$pos) {
                last  if $ThreadLevel{$TListOrder[$pos]} < $level;
            undef $ofs;
            last SW;
        warn qq/Warning: $var: Unrecognized variable argument: "$arg"\n/;
        $ofs = 0;
    $pos = $href->{$idx} + $ofs  if defined($ofs);
    if (($pos > $#$aref) || ($pos < 0)) {
        $pos = -1;
        $key = undef;
    } else {
        $key = $aref->[$pos];

    ($aref, $key, $pos, $opt);

             Earl Hood              | University of California: Irvine
      ehood(_at_)medusa(_dot_)acs(_dot_)uci(_dot_)edu      |      Electronic 
Loiterer | Dabbler of SGML/WWW/Perl/MIME
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