

1998-11-03 15:49:30


This replacement doesn't seem to change the behavior of
the NEXTLINK null for the first message and the PREVLINK null for the
last message when REVERSE is set.   Without the REVERSE set it does
indeed work correctly as you said it should.

Is there anything that needs to be done besides overwriting the old file?  

If any of this matters:

MHonArc v2.3.2 (Perl 5.00551)
This is perl, version 5.005_51 built for i686-linux-thread
Linux 2.0.34 #2 Mon Oct 5 19:33:31 EDT 1998 i686

MHonArc v2.3.2 (Perl 5.00551)
This is perl, version 5.005_51 built for sun4-solaris-thread
SunOS sunweb 5.6 Generic_105181-03 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-4

I am using a test file with the NEXTLINKIA and PREVLINKIA set to NO
NEXT/PREV MESSAGE.  The mail folder has three messages in it.  The
messages are using SORT and REVERSE, so the first message (the most
recent) shows a null value for the PREVLINK and the NEXTLINK is set
correctly to NEXTLINKIA. The second message shows the correct NEXTLINK
PREVLINK values.  The third message (the oldest message) shows a null
value for NEXTLINK and the PREVLINK is set correctly to PREVLINKIA.

Thanks for your help!  Emery

---Earl Hood <ehood(_at_)hydra(_dot_)acs(_dot_)uci(_dot_)edu> wrote:

On November 2, 1998 at 11:13, Emery Ford wrote:

Another related problem seems to occur --- The NEXTLINK resource
variable is null for the first message, as is  the PREVLINK resource
for the last message.  I am using the MULTIPG and REVERSE resource
variables, in case that might have anything to do with it.

REVERSE is what shows the problem.  This is a bug introduced in v2.3.0
due to the reimplmentation of resource variable interpolation.

I'll create another (bug fix) release this weekend.  Until then
a fixed files is attached to this message.  You can
replace the with one in the distribution.


##  File:
##    @(#) 2.5 98/11/02 22:32:45
##  Author:
##      Earl Hood       earlhood(_at_)usa(_dot_)net
##  Description:
##      Defines routine for expanding resource variables.

##    MHonArc -- Internet mail-to-HTML converter
##    Copyright (C) 1996-1998 Earl Hood, earlhood(_at_)usa(_dot_)net
##    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
##    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by
##    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
##    (at your option) any later version.
##    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##    GNU General Public License for more details.
##    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
##    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
##    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
##    02111-1307, USA


package mhonarc;

## Mapping of old resource variables to current versions.
my %old2new = (
    'FIRSTPG'         => [ 'PG', 'FIRST' ],
    'LASTPG'          => [ 'PG', 'LAST' ],
    'NEXTBUTTON'      => [ 'BUTTON', 'NEXT' ],
    'NEXTFROM'        => [ 'FROM', 'NEXT' ],
    'NEXTFROMADDR'            => [ 'FROMADDR', 'NEXT' ],
    'NEXTFROMNAME'            => [ 'FROMNAME', 'NEXT' ],
    'NEXTLINK'        => [ 'LINK', 'NEXT' ],
    'NEXTMSG'         => [ 'MSG', 'NEXT' ],
    'NEXTMSGNUM'      => [ 'MSGNUM', 'NEXT' ],
    'NEXTPG'          => [ 'PG', 'NEXT' ],
    'NEXTPGLINK'      => [ 'PGLINK', 'NEXT' ],
    'NEXTSUBJECT'     => [ 'SUBJECT', 'NEXT' ],
    'PREVBUTTON'      => [ 'BUTTON', 'PREV' ],
    'PREVFROM'        => [ 'FROM', 'PREV' ],
    'PREVFROMADDR'            => [ 'FROMADDR', 'PREV' ],
    'PREVFROMNAME'            => [ 'FROMNAME', 'PREV' ],
    'PREVLINK'        => [ 'LINK', 'PREV' ],
    'PREVMSG'         => [ 'MSG', 'PREV' ],
    'PREVMSGNUM'      => [ 'MSGNUM', 'PREV' ],
    'PREVPGLINK'      => [ 'PGLINK', 'PREV' ],
    'PREVPG'          => [ 'PG', 'PREV' ],
    'PREVSUBJECT'     => [ 'SUBJECT', 'PREV' ],
    'TFIRSTPG'        => [ 'PG', 'TFIRST' ],
    'TLASTPG'         => [ 'PG', 'TLAST' ],
    'TNEXTBUTTON'     => [ 'BUTTON', 'TNEXT' ],
    'TNEXTFROM'       => [ 'FROM', 'TNEXT' ],
    'TNEXTFROMADDR'           => [ 'FROMADDR', 'TNEXT' ],
    'TNEXTFROMNAME'           => [ 'FROMNAME', 'TNEXT' ],
    'TNEXTLINK'       => [ 'LINK', 'TNEXT' ],
    'TNEXTMSG'        => [ 'MSG', 'TNEXT' ],
    'TNEXTMSGNUM'     => [ 'MSGNUM', 'TNEXT' ],
    'TNEXTPGLINK'     => [ 'PGLINK', 'TNEXT' ],
    'TNEXTPG'         => [ 'PG', 'TNEXT' ],
    'TNEXTSUBJECT'    => [ 'SUBJECT', 'TNEXT' ],
    'TPREVBUTTON'     => [ 'BUTTON', 'TPREV' ],
    'TPREVFROM'       => [ 'FROM', 'TPREV' ],
    'TPREVFROMADDR'           => [ 'FROMADDR', 'TPREV' ],
    'TPREVFROMNAME'           => [ 'FROMNAME', 'TPREV' ],
    'TPREVLINK'       => [ 'LINK', 'TPREV' ],
    'TPREVMSG'        => [ 'MSG', 'TPREV' ],
    'TPREVMSGNUM'     => [ 'MSGNUM', 'TPREV' ],
    'TPREVPGLINK'     => [ 'PGLINK', 'TPREV' ],
    'TPREVPG'         => [ 'PG', 'TPREV' ],
    'TPREVSUBJECT'    => [ 'SUBJECT', 'TPREV' ],

##    replace_li_var() is used to substitute vars to current
##    values.  This routine relies on some variables being set by the
##    calling routine or as globals.
sub replace_li_var {
    my($val, $index) = ($_[0], $_[1]);
    my($var,$len,$canclip,$raw,$isurl,$tmp,$ret) = ('',0,0,0,0,'','');
    my($jstr) = (0);
    my($expand) = (0);
    my($n) = (0);
    my($isfirst, $islast, $tisfirst, $tislast);
    my($lref, $key, $pos);
    my($arg, $opt) = ("", "");

    ##        Get variable argument string
    if ($val =~ s/\(([^()]*)\)//) {
      $arg = $1;

    ##        Get length specifier (if defined)
    ($var, $len) = split(/:/, $val, 2);
    $len = -1  unless defined $len;

    ##        Check for old resource variables and map to new
    ($var, $arg) = @{$old2new{$var}}  if defined($old2new{$var});

    ##        Check if variable in a URL string
    $isurl = 1  if ($len =~ s/u//ig); 
    $jstr  = 1  if ($len =~ s/j//ig); 

    ##        Set index related variables
    if ($index ne '') {
      if ($REVSORT) {
          $isfirst    = ($Index2MLoc{$index} == $#MListOrder);
          $islast     = ($Index2MLoc{$index} == 0);
      } else {
          $isfirst    = ($Index2MLoc{$index} == 0);
          $islast     = ($Index2MLoc{$index} == $#MListOrder);
      $tisfirst       = ($Index2TLoc{$index} == 0);
      $tislast        = ($Index2TLoc{$index} == $#TListOrder);

    ##        Do variable replacement

      ## -------------------------------------- ##
      ## Message information resource variables ##
      ## -------------------------------------- ##
      if ($var eq 'DATE') {           ## Message "Date:"
          ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
          $tmp = defined($key) ? $Date{$key} : "";
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'DDMMYY' || $var eq 'DDMMYYYY' ||
          $var eq 'MMDDYY' || $var eq 'MMDDYYYY' ||
          $var eq 'YYMMDD' || $var eq 'YYYYMMDD') {
          ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
          $tmp = defined($key) ?
                      &time2mmddyy((split(/$X/o, $key))[0], lc $var) :
          last REPLACESW;
      my($cnd1, $cnd2, $cnd3) = (0,0,0);
      if (($cnd1 = ($var eq 'FROM')) ||       ## Message "From:"
          ($cnd2 = ($var eq 'FROMADDR')) ||   ## Message from mail address
          ($cnd3 = ($var eq 'FROMNAME'))) {   ## Message from name
          my $esub = $cnd1 ? sub { $_[0]; } :
                     $cnd2 ? \&extract_email_address :
          $canclip = 1; $raw = 1;
          ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
          $tmp = defined($key) ? &$esub($From{$key}) : "(nil)";
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'ICON') {           ## Message icon
          ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
          if (!defined($key)) { $tmp = ""; last REPLACESW; }
          $tmp = $Icons{$ContentType{$key}} ?
                      join(qq|<IMG SRC="$Icons{$ContentType{$key}}" |,
                           qq|ALT="[$ContentType{$key}]">|) :
                      qq|<IMG SRC="$Icons{'unknown'}" ALT="[unknown]">|;
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'ICONURL') {        ## URL to message icon
          $isurl = 0;
          ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
          if ($Icons{$ContentType{$key}}) {
              $tmp = $Icons{$ContentType{$key}};
          } else {
              $tmp = $Icons{'unknown'};
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'MSG') {            ## Filename of message page
          ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
          $tmp = defined($key) ? &msgnum_filename($IndexNum{$key}) : "";
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'MSGGMTDATE') {     ## Message GMT date
          ($lref, $key, $pos, $opt) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
          $tmp = &time2str($opt || $MsgGMTDateFmt,
                           &get_time_from_index($key), 0);
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'MSGID') {          ## Message-ID
          ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
          $tmp = defined($key) ? $Index2MsgId{$index} : "";
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'MSGLOCALDATE') {   ## Message local date
          ($lref, $key, $pos, $opt) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
          $tmp = &time2str($opt || $MsgLocalDateFmt,
                           &get_time_from_index($key), 1);
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'MSGNUM') {         ## Message number
          ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
          $tmp = defined($key) ? &fmt_msgnum($IndexNum{$key}) : "";
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'NOTE') {           ## Annotation template markup
          $expand = 1;
          ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
          $tmp = note_exists($key) ? $NOTE : $NOTEIA;
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'NOTEICON') {       ## Annotation ICON (HTML markup)
          $expand = 1;
          ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
          $tmp = note_exists($key) ? $NOTEICON : $NOTEICONIA;
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'NOTETEXT') {       ## Annotation text
          ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
          $tmp = get_note($key);
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'NUMFOLUP') {       ## Number of explicit follow-ups
          ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
          $tmp = defined($key) ? $FolCnt{$key} : "";
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'ORDNUM') {         ## Sort order number of message
          ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
          $tmp = defined($key) ? $pos+1 : -1;
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'SUBJECT') {        ## Message subject
          $canclip = 1; $raw = 1; $isurl = 0;
          ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
          $tmp = defined($key) ? $Subject{$key} : "";
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'SUBJECTNA') {      ## Message subject (not linked)
          $canclip = 1; $raw = 1;
          ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
          $tmp = defined($key) ? $Subject{$key} : "";
          last REPLACESW;

      ## ------------------------------------- ##
      ## Message navigation resource variables ##
      ## ------------------------------------- ##
      if ($var eq 'BUTTON') {
          $expand = 1;
          SW: {
              if ($arg eq 'NEXT') {
                  $tmp = (!$islast) ? $NEXTBUTTON : $NEXTBUTTONIA;
                  last SW; }
              if ($arg eq 'PREV') {
                  $tmp = (!$isfirst) ? $PREVBUTTON : $PREVBUTTONIA;
                  last SW; }
              if ($arg eq 'TNEXT') {
                  $tmp = (!$tislast) ? $TNEXTBUTTON : $TNEXTBUTTONIA;
                  last SW; }
              if ($arg eq 'TPREV') {
                  $tmp = (!$tisfirst) ? $TPREVBUTTON : $TPREVBUTTONIA;
                  last SW; }
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'LINK') {
          $expand = 1;
          SW: {
              if ($arg eq 'NEXT') {
                  $tmp = (!$islast) ? $NEXTLINK : $NEXTLINKIA;
                  last SW; }
              if ($arg eq 'PREV') {
                  $tmp = (!$isfirst) ? $PREVLINK : $PREVLINKIA;
                  last SW; }
              if ($arg eq 'TNEXT') {
                  $tmp = (!$tislast) ? $TNEXTLINK : $TNEXTLINKIA;
                  last SW; }
              if ($arg eq 'TPREV') {
                  $tmp = (!$tisfirst) ? $TPREVLINK : $TPREVLINKIA;
                  last SW; }
          last REPLACESW;

      if ($var eq 'TSLICE') {
          $tmp = &make_thread_slice($index, $TSliceNBefore, $TSliceNAfter)
              if ($TSliceNBefore != 0 || $TSliceNAfter != 0);
          last REPLACESW;

      ## -------------------------------- ##
      ## Index related resource variables ##
      ## -------------------------------- ##
      if ($var eq 'A_ATTR') {         ## Anchor attrs to link to message
          $isurl = 0;
          ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
          if (!defined($key)) { $tmp = ""; last REPLACESW; }
          $tmp = qq/NAME="/ . &fmt_msgnum($IndexNum{$key}) .
                 qq/" HREF="/ .
                 &msgnum_filename($IndexNum{$key}) .
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'A_NAME') {         ## Anchor name for message position
          $isurl = 0;
          ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
          if (!defined($key)) { $tmp = ""; last REPLACESW; }
          $tmp = qq/NAME="/ . &fmt_msgnum($IndexNum{$key}) . qq/"/;
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'A_HREF') {         ## Anchor href to link to message
          $isurl = 0;
          ($lref, $key, $pos) = compute_msg_pos($index, $var, $arg);
          if (!defined($key)) { $tmp = ""; last REPLACESW; }
          $tmp = qq/HREF="/ . &msgnum_filename($IndexNum{$key}) . qq/"/;
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'IDXFNAME') {       ## Filename of index page
          if ($MULTIIDX && ($n = int($Index2MLoc{$index}/$IDXSIZE)+1) >
1) {
              $tmp = sprintf("%s%d.$HtmlExt",
                             $IDXPREFIX, $index ne '' ? $n : 1);
          } else {
              $tmp = $IDXNAME;
          $tmp .= ".gz"  if $GzipLinks;
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'IDXLABEL') {       ## Label for main index
          $tmp = $IDXLABEL;
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'IDXSIZE') {        ## Index page size
          $tmp = $IDXSIZE;
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'IDXTITLE') {       ## Main index title
          $canclip = 1; $expand = 1;
          $tmp = $TITLE;
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'NUMOFIDXMSG') {    ## Number of item on the index page
          $tmp = $PageSize;
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'NUMOFMSG') {       ## Total number of messages
          $tmp = $NumOfMsgs;
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'SORTTYPE') {       ## Sort type of index
          SORTTYPE: {
              if ($NOSORT)   { $tmp = 'Number';  last SORTTYPE; }
              if ($AUTHSORT) { $tmp = 'Author';  last SORTTYPE; }
              if ($SUBSORT)  { $tmp = 'Subject'; last SORTTYPE; }
              $tmp = 'Date';
              last SORTTYPE;
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'TIDXFNAME') {
          if ($MULTIIDX && ($n = int($Index2TLoc{$index}/$IDXSIZE)+1) >
1) {
              $tmp = sprintf("%s%d.$HtmlExt",
                             $TIDXPREFIX, $index ne '' ? $n : 1);
          } else {
              $tmp = $TIDXNAME;
          $tmp .= ".gz"  if $GzipLinks;
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'TIDXLABEL') {
          $tmp = $TIDXLABEL;
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'TIDXTITLE') {
          $canclip = 1; $expand = 1;
          $tmp = $TTITLE;
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'TSORTTYPE') {
          TSORTTYPE: {
              if ($TNOSORT)   { $tmp = 'Number';  last TSORTTYPE; }
              if ($TSUBSORT)  { $tmp = 'Subject'; last TSORTTYPE; }
              $tmp = 'Date';
              last TSORTTYPE;
          last REPLACESW;

      if ($var eq 'PGLINK') {
          $expand = 1;
          SW: {
              if ($arg eq 'NEXT') {
                  $tmp = $PageNum < $NumOfPages ?
                                      $NEXTPGLINK : $NEXTPGLINKIA;
                  last SW; }
              if ($arg eq 'PREV') {
                  $tmp = $PageNum > 1 ? $PREVPGLINK : $PREVPGLINKIA;
                  last SW; }
              if ($arg eq 'TNEXT') {
                  $tmp = $PageNum < $NumOfPages ?
                                      $TNEXTPGLINK : $TNEXTPGLINKIA;
                  last SW; }
              if ($arg eq 'TPREV') {
                  $tmp = $PageNum > 1 ? $TPREVPGLINK : $TPREVPGLINKIA;
                  last SW; }
          last REPLACESW;

      if ($var eq 'PAGENUM') {
          $tmp = $PageNum;
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'NUMOFPAGES') {
          $tmp = $NumOfPages;
          last REPLACESW;

      if ($var eq 'PG') {
          my $num = $PageNum;
          my $t = ($arg =~ s/^T//);
          my $prefix = $t ? $TIDXPREFIX : $IDXPREFIX;
          SW: {
              if ($arg eq 'NEXT')    { $num = $PageNum+1; last SW; }
              if ($arg eq 'PREV')    { $num = $PageNum-1; last SW; }
              if ($arg eq 'FIRST')   { $num = 0; last SW; }
              if ($arg eq 'LAST')    { $num = $NumOfPages; last SW; }
              if ($arg =~ /^-?\d+$/) { $num = $PageNum+$arg; last SW; }
          if ($num < 2) {
              $tmp = $t ? $TIDXNAME : $IDXNAME;
          } else {
              $num = $NumOfPages  if $num > $NumOfPages;
              $tmp = sprintf("%s%d.$HtmlExt", $prefix, $num);
          $tmp .= ".gz"  if $GzipLinks;
          last REPLACESW;

      ## -------------------------------- ##
      ## Miscellaneous resource variables ##
      ## -------------------------------- ##
      if ($var eq 'DOCURL') {
          $isurl = 0;
          $tmp = $DOCURL;
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'GMTDATE') {
          $tmp = &time2str($arg || $GMTDateFmt, time, 0);
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'IDXPREFIX') {
          $tmp = $IDXPREFIX;
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'LOCALDATE') {
          $tmp = &time2str($arg || $LocalDateFmt, time, 1);
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'MSGPREFIX') {
          $tmp = $MsgPrefix;
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'OUTDIR') {
          $tmp = $OUTDIR;
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'PROG') {
          $tmp = $PROG;
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'TIDXPREFIX') {
          $tmp = $TIDXPREFIX;
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq 'VERSION') {
          $tmp = $VERSION;
          last REPLACESW;
      if ($var eq '') {
          $tmp = '$';
          last REPLACESW;

      ## --------------------------- ##
      ## User defined variable check ##
      ## --------------------------- ##
      if (defined($CustomRcVars{$var})) {
          $expand = 1;
          $tmp = $CustomRcVars{$var};
          last REPLACESW;

      warn qq/Warning: Unrecognized variable: "$val"\n/;
      return "\$$val\$";

    ##        Check if string needs to be expanded again
    if ($expand) {
      $tmp =~ s/\$([^\$]*)\$/&replace_li_var($1,$index)/ge;

    ##        Check if URL text specifier is set
    if ($isurl) {
      $ret = &urlize($tmp);

    } else {
      if ($raw) {
          $ret = &$MHeadCnvFunc($tmp);
      } else {
          $ret = $tmp;

      # Check for clipping
      if ($len > 0 && $canclip) {
          # Check for entity refs and modify clip length accordingly
          foreach ($ret =~ /(\&[^;\s]*;)/g) {
              $len += length($_) -1;
          $ret = substr($ret, 0, $len);

      # Check if JavaScript string
      $ret =~ s/(["'])/\\$1/g  if $jstr;

    ##        Check for subject link
    $ret = qq|<A NAME="| .
         &fmt_msgnum($IndexNum{$index}) .
         qq|" HREF="| .
         &msgnum_filename($IndexNum{$index}) .
      if $var eq 'SUBJECT' && $arg eq "";


##    compute_msg_pos(): Get message location data.
sub compute_msg_pos {
    my($idx, $var, $arg) = @_;
    my($ofs, $pos, $aref, $href, $key);
    my $opt  = undef;
    my $flip = 0;

    ## Determine what list type
    if ($arg =~ s/^T//) {
      $aref = \(_at_)TListOrder;
      $href = \%Index2TLoc;
    } else {
      $aref = \(_at_)MListOrder;
      $href = \%Index2MLoc;
      $flip = $REVSORT;

    ## Extract out optional data
    ($arg, $opt) = split(/;/, $arg);

    SW: {
      $ofs =  0, last SW
          if $arg eq "" or $arg eq 'CUR';
      $ofs = ($flip ? 1 : -1), last SW
          if $arg eq 'PREV';
      $ofs = ($flip ? -1 : 1), last SW
          if $arg eq 'NEXT';
      $ofs = ($flip ? $aref->[$#$aref] : $aref->[0]), last SW
          if $arg eq 'FIRST';
      $ofs = ($flip ? $aref->[$#$aref] : $aref->[0]), last SW
          if $arg eq 'LAST';
      $ofs = ($flip ? -$arg : $arg), last SW
          if $arg =~ /^-?\d+$/;
      if ($arg eq 'PARENT') {
          my $level = $ThreadLevel{$idx};
          $pos = $Index2TLoc{$idx};
          for ( ; $pos >= 0; --$pos) {
              last  if $ThreadLevel{$TListOrder[$pos]} < $level;
          undef $ofs;
          last SW;
      warn qq/Warning: $var: Unrecognized variable argument: "$arg"\n/;
      $ofs = 0;
    $pos = $href->{$idx} + $ofs  if defined($ofs);
    if (($pos > $#$aref) || ($pos < 0)) {
      $pos = -1;
      $key = undef;
    } else {
      $key = $aref->[$pos];

    ($aref, $key, $pos, $opt);


             Earl Hood              | University of California: Irvine
      ehood(_at_)medusa(_dot_)acs(_dot_)uci(_dot_)edu      |      Electronic 
Loiterer | Dabbler of SGML/WWW/Perl/MIME

 H.  E m e r y   F o r d            emery_ford(_at_)bigfoot(_dot_)com
 home:(301)5870957   work:(301)9796270   page:(301)7011294
 "I am not afraid of death, if that is what the 
  investigative apparatus of the NKVD, in glaring 
  contravention of the law, has in mind for me."  
  M. Ryutin - Nov 1, 1936 (shot by NKVD Jan 13, 1937)
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