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Re: [ANNOUNCE] nmh-0.27 is released

1998-07-05 18:31:27
I am *still* getting segmentation faults from running

flist +inbox -recurse -noshow

in 0.27e, occasionally.  The core dumps show a stack trace in
__libc_free but no useful stack data from any nmh code.

As far as I can tell the seg fault is happening while reading a
context file or .mh_profile.

RedHat 4.2 system with libc 5.4.44-1rh42 libc5 RPM.

I've heard the MH/nmh will core dump if your .mh_profile
doesn't have a newline at the end.  This is more likely to
happen if you edit your .mh_profile with (X)Emacs.

Richard Coleman

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