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Re: locking rcvstore?

2002-07-12 06:39:11

I think anytime that there is a possibility of multiple processes
writing to the same file, locking should be "enableable".  Even if
it's a command line switch (everyone likes to say "use procmail", but
this is essentially what procmail does: locks file and folders by

Not when you're using rcvstore, because then it doesn't know what the folder's 
called, even whether there is a folder (you could be pushing it into a program 
that redirects it as formail can or that processes the message fully in some 
other way).

File locking is essential. If semantics mean it can't be done on some 
platforms, tought for those users, do it where you can.

Don't forget to test on nfs-mounted filesystems too; I've had a few programs 
fail on nfs-mounts - StarOffice and ypbind amongst them.

John Summerfield

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