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Re: [Nmh-workers] MHCONTEXT buglet - send, post slow with dot_lock

2004-11-24 09:38:27
On Tue, 23 Nov 2004 16:08:40 MST, Robert Tarrall said:
On a Linux system where I just upgraded from nmh-1.0.4 to nmh-1.1RC3,
sending takes a long, long time (circa 30 seconds) from the time you
type "send" at the whatnow prompt to the time you get a command prompt.

Yeah, I've noticed this one too.. :)

Support item 103005 (link above) includes a patch to sbr/lock_file.c
which simply skips locking if the file is /dev/null.

OK, that idea I can live with - as long as we document that fact.

                                                        That's one
solution... a more general solution might be to skip locking if
permissions won't allow the lock file to be created.

Gaak.  No.  In *general*, failure to create the lock file should be a
*fatal* error, because silently continuing would allow the collision of
two processes over whatever resource is being locked.

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