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Re: [Nmh-workers] The invisible mail folder

2007-02-26 15:03:17
Quoth Joel:
If everyone's happy with "+" meaning the folder root and "@" meaning
the current folder and anything following being interpreted the same
as any pathspec would be then I'll clean up the code and try to get
around to making sure it's documented properly too.
Yes, that sounds best to me.

OK, that brings us back to the original discussion. :) Is "+" without
anything immediately following a folderspec in its own right? Norman
I could go either way on that. + as sugar for +. is not unreasonable,
but also not especially necessary. A point for con is to avoid fat-fingered
misfilings into MHPATH.

Norm sayeth:
NO. I'm not quite happy with that, in that I would prefer that

   + foobar

mean the same thing as +foobar. That way wild card expansion in shell scripts
and file name completion in interactive shells would be much easier.
No, MH semantics shuold be isolated from the shell's and foo + barFolder is
broken. If you want tab completion to work nicely with your setup (I'm
assuming you've collapsed all your folders into your root-directory or
something since that's the only way this proposal would seem to work) leverage
your shell's tools. In tcsh I use the following which happily works from
any place in the tree:

  complete {chbox,fols,pick,refile,s,scan,show} 'c@+@D:$HOME/Mail/@'

This allows me to type
     refile +T^Is^Ib^I^J

to send something to

The only bit it doesn't do is completion of relative paths, which
would be possible with a similar program and some hooks to grab context
but so isn't worth it.
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