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Re: [Nmh-workers] inc, slocal, procmail, ...

2013-01-10 14:19:53
On Tue, 08 Jan 2013 14:30:48 -0500, Ken Hornstein said:
One thing to keep in mind when thinking about that line is that inc is
typically synchronous, where our use of fetchmail/procmail (or whatever)
is asynchronous. By the time we step up to MH, everything is already in
a folder or in the local maildrop ready for +inbox (or already in
+inbox). I don't want to have to wait for inc to go to my remote server.

I just timed inc ... to go to my POP server, which included Kerberos
authentication (4 extra round trips), download a small test message
(session was encrypted), write it out (to a network filesystem, no less),
and exit, it took:

        0.04 real         0.01 user         0.00 sys

Are you really THAT impatient, Bill? :-)  Ok, fine ... going across the
global internet for all that will be a lot worse.  But most of the time
I never notice it unless there's a problem.

I admit I didn't check my mail Tuesday or Wednesday, as I was
taking some time off.  As a result, I had 3,960 pieces of mail
waiting for me (of which 1,993 were from the linux-kernel firehose,
and a bunch of other high-volume sources).

Yeah, under those circumstances, 'inc' can sit there for a while. :)

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