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Re: [Nmh-workers] Redoing argument processing

2013-01-18 12:13:57
It might be tricky for the entries for mime types and character sets.

You mean like mhshow-show entries in your profile?  I just looked at
that and it turns out those are already run under /bin/sh.  Actually,
what happens there is it's run using /bin/sh -c "exec command" and
there is some extra code when constructing the argument list.  I don't
think that should be changed, as that's sort of special in that we're
dealing with a complete command line built up by the user.

In the cases we're talking about now it's a command line partially provided
by the user, part by nmh.

This was done to make it easy to run a command for the mime type in an
xterm setup for the character set. Nowadays, I use a script which
normally uses iconv but for some commands it passes the character set as
a parameter (e.g. w3m's -I option). We probably ought to do the iconv
internally and have a % escape for the input character set.

Yeah, that's on my to-do list as well.

I'd be tempted to be lazy and not bother with the middle one of those.
You have to think about tabs and newlines, not just spaces.

Well, I think I'd count newlines (if you could even GET a newline into
a moreproc) as a shell metacharacter.  I could be persuaded to simply
get rid of #2; it may not be worth it.  But I think I'll defer that
decision until a little farther down the line.

What would you do about trailing whitespace? It probably shouldn't count
for selecting the second option instead of the first and should just be

Well ... I was thinking of calling brkstring.  If it returns only one
string, then it's pretty much #1.  I'll have to check on what happens


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