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Re: [Nmh-workers] configurable part separator lines

2014-04-29 14:36:53
They are similar, but there is a small advantage to using the
scan.highlighted format: you can have a shared format file owned by root
with abstract names-- scan-color-cur, scan-color-unseen--and users can
customize the colors as they wish without having to maintain their own
scan format ;-)

I'm trying to understand how that would work; you'd put the escape sequences
in your mh-profile?

Yes, sorry if it was not clear, I was referring to how scan.highlighted
can be generalized in a way that scan.curses does not seem to support,
as in my adaptation of scan.highlighted below.

%<(cur)%(zputlit(profile scan-color-cur))%>\
%<(unseen)%(zputlit(profile scan-color-unseen))%>\
%4(msg)%<(cur)+%| %>%<{replied}-%?{encrypted}E%| %>\
%02(mon{date})/%02(mday{date})/%(void(year{date}))%02(modulo 100)%<{date} %|*%>\
%<(zero)%17(decode(friendly{from}))%>  \
%(decode{subject})%<{body}<<%{body}>>%>%(zputlit(lit ^[[m))

scan-color-cur: ^[[1;37m
scan-color-unseen: ^[[36m

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