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Re: [Nmh-workers] base64 ... just looking for advice

2016-02-21 09:30:34
Wolfgang wrote:

However I notice that not only the "text/plain" part has been
modified;  the "text/html" part has _also_ been modified:
originally, it was a base64 encoded HTML file with UNIX line endings
(plain LF); now it is a base64 encoded file with DOS line endings (CR
+ LF).

So apparenty  mhfixmsg  still touches parts which are not listed on
the "-decodetypes" list: in my case it decodes from base64, converts
LF => CR/LF, and re-encodes to base64.

This is a bit unexpected to me.

Is this intentional?

Can I use some options to avoid it?

It's a byproduct of the way mhfixmsg was implemented, using existing nmh 
components.  I'll look into adding an option to avoid it.


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