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Re: [Nmh-workers] mhstore dumps core

2017-08-18 13:23:41
Doing 'mhstore', for the message to which I replying, dumps core.

Man, Norm, I wish your replcomps would use the Reply-to header, but anyway ...

mhlist yields:

msg part  type/subtype              size description
 38       multipart/mixed           1315
    1     text/plain                 595
    2     message/external-body      161
          application/octet-stream       Second release candidate for nmh 1.7
    3     text/plain                 150

Upon request, I will send additional information and/or core dump.

Obviously I didn't encounter that, and I actually use that feature and I
tested it on that message.  So a backtrace on the core dump sure would
be useful.


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