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Re: [Nmh-workers] GCC 8 pre-releases have escaped...

2018-02-10 13:49:32
On Sat, 10 Feb 2018 17:05:37 +0000 Ralph Corderoy <ralph@inputplus.co.uk> wrote:
Ralph Corderoy writes:

True, but there are static analysis programs that point out leaks.  I
did run one on nmh a while ago and it found lots, but they weren't worth
fixing because the code has a myriad of policies over caller v. callee,
and lacks standard routines to help in the common case.  I thought
effort would be better spent getting those in place.

Refactoring, code cleanup and fixing memory leaks are worthy goals.
But that can take lots of time and volunteers.

This is why I think it makes sense to a) just use boehm gc

I built nmh git here with gc 7.6.0-1 by `cheating' with Makefile.

    AM_CFLAGS = -Dmalloc=GC_malloc -Dfree=GC_free -Drealloc=GC_realloc
    AM_LDFLAGS = -lgc

It works!  Well, simpler programs work.  scan(1) SEGVs, ditto folder(1).
But I could play around a bit, comparing it to the installed nmh-git
1.7+dev.r4298-1 in /bin.

This is promising! Segfaults likely point to genuine bugs.

    $ inst() { perf stat -e instructions "$@" |&
    >     awk '/instructions:u/ {print $1}' | tr -d ,; }

Presumably this counts actual instructions executed? linux documentation....

    $ for n in {1..10}; do inst /bin/mhparam version; done | stats
       length      min   25%ile   median     mean   75%ile      max   stddev
         10   517769   517772   517786   517787   517789   517820 16.98117
    $ for n in {1..10}; do inst uip/mhparam version; done | stats
       length      min   25%ile   median     mean   75%ile      max   stddev
         10  1123982  1198254  1267038  1248003  1308074  1333808 71002.18
    $ for n in {1..10}; do inst /bin/mhpath; done | stats
       length      min   25%ile   median     mean   75%ile      max   stddev
         10   523751   523752   523768   523765   523769   523797  13.4447
    $ for n in {1..10}; do inst uip/mhpath; done | stats
       length      min   25%ile   median     mean   75%ile      max   stddev
         10  1213542  1277482  1306410  1314250  1333958  1469626 71638.04

That might not be very fair on gc, perhaps it has a constantish overhead
that would be less as a percentage on a longer-running `scan last:42',
but the population stddev does show how it varies a lot.  One of the
nice things when trying to measure improvements now is the instruction
count's consistency.

This is fine in my opinion. GC doesn't come for free.

I see http://www.hboehm.info/gc/gcinterface.html has a GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC
where the caller can state the memory won't need scanning for pointers.
That's useful, and would help, though I guess it can be a new source of
leaks if a struct definition changes over time to have a pointer.

This can be added as needed. Personally I'd be ok with some
slowdown if gc can remove a class of problems. This remains to
be proven though. Besides, your goals may be different.


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