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Re: [nmh-workers] Forwarding html email

2019-08-07 12:46:02
I am trying to figure out how to forward an html email.

Conrad gave you the correct answer, but let me expand on that a bit.

But ... I have some questions for you.  We tried to document this
behavior in the forw(1) man page.  Here's the resulting snippet from it:

      To  use  the  MIME  rules  for encapsulation, specify the -mime switch.
      This directs forw to generate an mhbuild composition file.   Note  that
      nmh  will  not invoke mhbuild automatically; you must specifically give
      the command

           What now? mime

      prior to sending the draft.

My questions are: did you look at the forw(1) man page?  If so, did you
see this section?  If you did see this section, was it unclear?  If it
was unclear, could you tell us how it was unclear?  I don't mean this
to be crapping on you; I genuinely want to know how we could make our
documentation better.

Yes, I did look at the forw(1) man page, tho obviously not as carefully 
as I should have. And yes, I do recall seeing that section. The error I 
was making was in not using the -mime switch. As a result, in the email 
I was trying to forward:

aalinovi:~$ show 1
aalinovi:~$ forw
What now? mime
mhbuild: unknown directive "#e2e2e2"
What now?

Another thing that confused me was that when I used forw I was seeing 
the raw html. I guess I was thinking I should see the text as I do when 
I use repl.

Thinking about it, I suppose one mistake I made was turning to Jerry 
Peek's book first and then to the man pages. Don't misunderstand me - I 
think the book is good and has helped me a lot but I'll admit to getting 
frustrated and confused trying to follow his instructions where nothing 
I did seemed to work and I couldn't figure out why.

As a result i probably wasn't in the best frame of mind when I finally 
did turn to the man page and skimmed rather paying attention to what I 
was reading.

I don't believe the documentation is unclear. The fault is mine for, as 
I said above, not reading as carefully as I should have.



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