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Re: smtp authentication problem

2022-02-03 14:18:48
SASL(-4): no mechanism available: No worthy mechs found

So this is coming from the SASL library, specifically here in

    if (bestm == NULL) {
        sasl_seterror(conn, 0, "No worthy mechs found");
        result = SASL_NOMECH;
        goto done;

I _think_ MAYBE what is happening is we're getting tripped up here:

            if ((conn->props.min_ssf <= conn->external.ssf) && 
                (conn->external.ssf > 1)) {
                myflags &= ~SASL_SEC_NOPLAINTEXT;

(That says: allow PLAINTEXT mechanisms if you tell the library that you
have external encryption).

But ... I never had to set external.ssf before.  _And_ I never set
the security_flags which set those requirement flags (I mean, I set the
security properties, but those flags should be zero'd out).  I didn't see
any obvious Debian patches which would have affected that.

I have one silly question: did you install the libsasl2-modules package?
That's the package that actually contains the sasl mechanism for PLAIN
(along with others).  There should be something like "libplain.so" in
a directory close to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/sasl2 depending on your


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