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Re: Key selectors

1995-01-12 12:40:00
Jueneman(_at_)gte(_dot_)com writes:
If it were only a difference in a data template it might not make 
much difference. But supporting the CRITICAL extensions requires 
support in the code, not just a recompilation somewhere down the line, 
and I think that it is VERY important to get that functionality 
included at this juncture. 

Since X.509v3 has not yet been finalized, and the current proposal does not 
address certification formats or policy, I'm not sure I see why it is so 
important.  That is, I understand why X.509v3 is important--I just don't see 
why discussion or endorsement of it needs to be placed into the document 
currently on the table.

Amanda Walker
InterCon Systems Corporation

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