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Re: Key selectors

1995-01-12 15:41:00

Maybe I can get some help from Warwick and Mark (please, guys?), or at least
some moral support and guidance as to how to shepard such changes through the
IETF processes. The specification of the format itself should require a
minimal effort.

Yes, the format is in my posting of December 17.  All you have to do is write a
short paragraph to go with it.  It seems perfectly reasonable to me to include 
this in the MIME/PEM spec now to give us a migration path forward.  Note that 
the v3 certificate spec is 100% backward compatible with v1, i.e., if we define
the field as being the v3 format you can still carry a v1 certificate in it
(but the inverse would not be true).

I haven't mention the new CRL format, but we would certainly want to include v2
of the CRL at the same time.

What is the best way to formally distinguish between the PEM/MIME or IETF
version of X.509 v3 and the ISO/ITU version, perhaps with a unique attribute ID?
My blue books are still packed, and I don't remember where the attribute ID
and/or OID is specified for an attribute such as Certificate that is part of the
standard. I suppose that we could arbitrarily pick a version number such as
8003, and then change it to 3 in our spec when the ISO spec is finalized?
Otherwise, I am concerned about Ned's point that the IETF might reject it
because the ISO standard hasn't been adopted yet.

Certificate Format:

Certificate ::= SIGNED { SEQUENCE {
     version        [0]  Version DEFAULT v1,
     serialNumber        CertificateSerialNumber,
     signature           AlgorithmIdentifier,
     issuer              Name,
     validity            Validity,
     subject             Name,
     subjectPublicKeyInfo SubjectPublicKeyInfo,
     issuerUniqueID      [1]  IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL,
                         -- If present, version must be v2 or v3
     subjectUniqueID     [2]  IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL,
                         -- If present, version must be v2 or v3
     extensions          [3]  Extensions OPTIONAL
                         -- If present, version must be v3 --}    }

Version ::= INTEGER { v1(0), v2(1), v3(2) }

Extensions ::= SEQUENCE OF Extension

Extension ::= SEQUENCE {
        extnId             EXTENSION.&id ({ExtensionSet}),
        critical                 BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
        extnValue               OCTET STRING
                                -- contains a DER encoding of a value of type
                                -- for the extension object identified by extnId
-- }

The extensions field allows addition of new fields to the structure without 
modification to the ASN.1 definition.  An extension field consists of an 
extension identifier, a criticality flag, and a canonical encoding of a data 
value of an ASN.1 type associated with the identified extension.  When an 
implementation processing a certificate does not recognize an extension, if the 
criticality flag is FALSE, it may ignore that extension.  If the criticality 
flag is TRUE, unrecognized extensions shall cause the structure to be considered
invalid, i.e., in a certificate, an unrecognized critical extension would cause 
validation of a signature using that certificate to fail.

The following object class is used to define specific extensions.  Specific 
extensions may be defined in ITU-T Recommendations | International Standards or 
by any organization which has a need.

        &id             OBJECT IDENTIFIER UNIQUE,
        SYNTAX          &ExtnType
        IDENTIFIED BY   &id
CRL Format:

CertificateList ::= SIGNED { SEQUENCE {
     version                       Version  OPTIONAL,
                                              -- if present, version must be
     signature           AlgorithmIdentifier,
     issuer              Name,
     thisUpdate               UTCTime,
     nextUpdate               UTCTime OPTIONAL,
     revokedCertificates      SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE {
          userCertificate          CertificateSerialNumber,
                 revocationDate                  UTCTime,
                 crlEntryExtensions                  Extensions OPTIONAL }
     crlExtensions            [0]  Extensions OPTIONAL }}

If any extensions included in a CertificateList are defined as critical, the 
version element of the CertificateList shall be present.  If no extensions 
defined as critical are included, the version element shall be absent.

Any discussion of use of specific v3 extensions would be best deferred to a new
project which updates RFC 1422.  Perhaps we can start moving now on getting
that new project established.

I would certainly like to see that happen, but I will defer to the WG chair
and/or the area director for practical guidance as to how to proceed.


Robert R. Jueneman
GTE Laboratories
40 Sylvan Road
Waltham, MA 02254

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