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Re: Key selectors

1995-01-12 11:11:00

Maybe I can get some help from Warwick and Mark (please, guys?), or at least
some moral support and guidance as to how to shepard such changes through the
IETF processes. The specification of the format itself should require a minimal

Yes, the format is in my posting of December 17.  All you have to do is write a 
short paragraph to go with it.  It seems perfectly reasonable to me to include 
this in the MIME/PEM spec now to give us a migration path forward.  Note that 
the v3 certificate spec is 100% backward compatible with v1, i.e., if we define 
the field as being the v3 format you can still carry a v1 certificate in it 
the inverse would not be true).

Any discussion of use of specific v3 extensions would be best deferred to a new 
project which updates RFC 1422.  Perhaps we can start moving now on getting 
new project established.


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