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Re: Key selectors

1995-01-11 12:59:00

I would just like to agree with you on a point and agree to disagree
with you on another.

        Bob>    If I don't already have the certificate in hand from the
        >       originator and only have the key digest, I haven't any idea
        >       where to look until a worldwide directory of keys indexed by
        >       such digests comes into existance.
        Jim> I couldn't agree more.  This is an excellent reason for not
        >using just a digest of a public key.

        The same objections made to a key digest apply equally to the
        arbitrary index blob which is the basis for your claim that all the
        name forms can be implemented easily.

I will agree with you that of the 3 name forms, the arbitrary string
does not provide a means by which a recipient missing an originator's
public key can retrieve it.  The principal purpose of the arbitrary
string name form is to provide a mechanism with which a closed community
of users can communicate assuming an a prior agreement between them
about how to interpret this field.  I've added some discussion of this
to the next revision of the PEM/MIME document.

However, this is different than whether the choice of name form matters
to a local database implementation.

        Bob>    > If I wanted to store PEM/MIME certificates in an X.500
        >       > directory, perhaps using the Bell Northern Entrust
        >       > program, do I have to do something new?

        Jeff>   Yes.
        Jim> No.
        Yes, for the reasons stated above.

I think we'll just have to agree to disagree on this point.


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