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Re: A brief comparison of email encryption protocols

1996-02-21 08:34:00
I asked for a one paragraph recommendation in MOSS.  In most situations,
signature should be done before encryption.  Heck, one sentence would have
been enough for implementors to do the right thing.  Imagine a GUI with a
choice between sign, encrypt, and sign+encrypt.  When the last option is
selected, signature should be done first.

While you're recommendation may be with the best of intentions, it may
be misread and cause implementors to place undue constraints on users.
As with any tool, MOSS will be used in ways that make sense.  Some
will do things that don't make sense, but it's very hard to prevent
that and still have a useful tool.  Go ahead and provide the GUI you
described, but don't mandate it.

The most common ordering when both signature and encryption are to be
applied to a message will probably be sign first, then encrypt.  It
fits the sign-a-letter-and-place-it-in-an-envelope model.  But, as Ned
Freed and Donald Eastlake have pointed out, there will be times when
other orders make sense.  There is a learning curve involved in the
use of digital signatures and encryption for email and legislating
orderings, while short-circuiting the learning curve somewhat, will
become a hinderance once the semantics are well understood.  

I'm one of the authors of TIS/MOSS and have given more demos than I'd
like to think about.  The idea of signing an encrypted quantity (which
may also contain a signed quantity) is understood by many.  You send a
letter to Mr. Big, knowing that Mr. Big's secretary screens all of Mr.
Big's mail.  Your letter contains an encrypted body part that only Mr.
Big can read (personal & confidential), as well as a clear-text note
for the secretary, all under a single signature.  This way the
secretary can determine that the note and the encrypted body part came
from you and that the encrypted part (if not the whole message) should
be passed on to the Mr. Big.


Attachment: binBUDuF0xgNT.bin
Description: application/moss-signature

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