
Re: ordering Japanese

2006-05-04 20:22:44
On Wed, 03 May 2006, Mike Barborak wrote:

1. 伊勢丹 JR京都店
2. アペックス 福山
3. アミュプラザ 鹿児島
4. オクノ 旭川
5. さくら野百貨店 仙台
6. さつま屋 鹿児島
7. スタンス 米子
8. そごう 神戸店
9. そごう 千葉店
10. そごう 大宮店
11. そごう 横浜店
12. ダイアモンドシティアルル 橿原
13. ニューズ 熊本

My client tells me that entry 1 should actually come after the 3rd entry and
before the fourth. From this description on manyogana, I'm thinking they're
saying that collation of the glyph 伊 should be based on its katakana
adaptation イ which makes sense:

I wonder why. Can they give you a reason?

Are you sure something isn't being lost in the translation? The
first entry is read 'Isetan', so should be number one, though I'm
not a native Japanese speaker. I doubt they want them ordered by
on-yomi of the characters themselves.

I feel this Ise, a place name, is closer to ateji than
Man'yougana, though probably it was originally Man'yougana.  The
same character is read the same way in the name, Ito.

3. Is the solution to first convert the manyogana characters to katakana and
then do the msort?

I don't think so. At least not with ateji. I would regard the
reading here as a kun-yomi, rather than on-yomi, but likely am

4. Can anyone think of any other glyphs or classes of Japanese glyphs
similar to manyogana that I should be worried about?

Knowing Japanese collating rules would be useful. Something which
I don't know.

Man'yougana is historical, rather than productive, I believe.

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