At 22:55 -0700 15/6/10, David E. Wheeler wrote:
...So my question is, what gives? Is this truly a broken
representation of the character and Encode just figures that out and
fixes it? Or is there something off with my editor and with
...Attachment converted: (TEXT/CSOm) (000F502E)
When I open your attachment '' in BBEdit it has Mac encoding
and Mac linefeeds and five invisible characters that I haven't
analysed wherever you have double line-spacing. And if I tell BBEdit
to re-open the file as utf-8 I get the warning "The UTF-8 file
'' is damaged or badly formed, so it looks to me as if your
editor may be at fault.
I have BBEdit set to create new documents with UTF-8 encoding and
UNIX line feeds and to use UTF-8 for I/O. I gather you don't use