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Re: Procmail and Elm's frm?

1995-10-17 08:29:49
| > I'm using "procmail" with Elm and most of my mail, thrown by procmail,
| > seems to be "read", when I *haven't*, or at least that is what Elm's
| > "frm" says.
| > Is there some kind of flag(s) in the mail-box-files to indicate this?
| > Does the Access, Change, and Modify times of the file play any role?

        Michael Elkins has a set of patches to elm2.4.pl24 which fix
this problem, add very good PGP support, anonymous remailer support,
and an enhanced version of the builtin pager.  Highly reccomended, its
what I run at home.

I think its in


"It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once."

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