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Re: simple file server

1995-10-20 00:37:18
At 12:55 AM 10/20/95 -0500, Eric Stewart wrote:
      Has anyone successfully implemented the file server recipe 
located in the procmailex man page?  I am getting an "Ambiguous output 
redirect" when procmail processes the request.

      I'm just wondering if anyone else has implemented this and had 
the same problem to deal with, or knows of a better/alternative recipe.


      Eric Stewart

-----> Eric Stewart <-----|  ACM Librarian   | The University of Texas
estewart(_at_)cs(_dot_)utexas(_dot_)edu   |   UT Student     |       at Austin
       Use Linux!        |    Chapter       |  PGP Pub key by finger
------------> <--------------

I'm getting the same "ambiguous output redirect " error on this recipe.
I've checked for typo's (I've cut and paste from the procmailex page) but
for te likes of me I can't work it out.  Any help would be appreciated.

As a workaround I have got the "retrieve" recipe to work ad use a
file that includes a number of copies of this recipe for each of the files I
want ro make available in the fileserver directory.  Not very elegant but it

I'm using procmail without .forward files under a mail agen called
Post.Office which serves my virtualserver account.  (Sun workstation Unix V
Solaris Apache server and a lot of lead time to get used to  unix.)


Paul Kenna
pkenna(_at_)vicnet(_dot_)net(_dot_)au Melbourne Australia
webmaster(_at_)auservices(_dot_)com New York USA

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