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Well Greased Spam

1995-10-29 21:51:59
My, but do we need lessions in header parsing!  Yes, my message REFERENCED  
as the
I was replying to, but my actual message-id  was  

Get your Windows Eudora Version 1.4.3 (from your header) program to show
all the header lines, as a start.

Thanks for the lesson in header parsing - you were right Eudora had cut off
the header lines

I suggest a liberal greasing next time you stick your head so far up your

And attack the substance of my brief message, not the perceived or actual  
method of the mailing.

My attack was regarding the credibility of the response you were agreeing
with, its author  who was able to correct the mail address of the spammer
and who just happened to come from the same domain.  If, by implying that
you too were part of some spam conspiracy, I have offended you, I withdraw
the implication.  Otherwise the essence of my criticism stands.

The spams just don't bother me, they are one entry in my mail list.  If
bother you, do something about them, just leave my mailbox out of it.  And  
spend your effort on the actual spammers, rather than trying to denigrate  
those that just don't give a shit.

This and my previous post on this thread is exactly that - doing something
about something that bothers me.  Identifing the recipient fax number of
what other posters have suggested amounts to mail fraud in the US.  If you
have the good sense to belong to this mailing list I cannot prevent this
response being forwarded to you but I won't waste my time forwarding it

As I said before, "Grow up and get a life, folks!"

but what a life


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