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Re: procmail shows everything alover again

1996-05-14 12:53:57
Hal Wine wrote:

At 16:25 96-05-13, Christophe Zwecker wrote:

I use Netscape

More than likely, that's your problem.  Netscape isn't good at anything
(if anything) besides showing html!

Hopefully, someone will give you a more productive answer, but I'd
recommend using a real MUA....

BTW, why aren't you invoking procmail from your .forward file?  Or are
you saying that Netscape is also doing the POP transfer from you real
mailbox on your ISP's machine?

If the later is the case, use some other tool to fetch the mail from
the POP server on your ISP, then toss that file through procmail, and
then let netscape look at the resulting folders.

I get mail from my university with the tool popclient. then themail is in 
var/spool/mail/doc. doc, thats me.
then  I invoke the procmail script (see my erlier message) to sort the mail
into the folders. Then I read theese folders with netscape (files within
the mail are).
Sometimes procmail puts back mail into my inbox folder after I even moved
the  mail to the trash folder.

How would I put all my mail through .forward if sendmail doesnt notice when
i get my mail ? forward is invoked by sendmail as far as i know of... ?


Christophe Zwecker                    email: 
Hamburg, Germany                      

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