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Re: v. 2.90 differences to v.2.92?

1996-05-17 14:26:10
On Fri, 17 May 1996, Philip Guenther wrote:

2.92 isn't even mentioned in the current HISTORY file:

        Hmph ;)  I live with 2.92 :) (here at

        Weeeellll, gotta try to persuade sysadmins to upgrade. 
        If they are not aware what a LART (LuserAttitude Re- 
        AdjustmentTool) is, they'll soon find out
        without subscribing alt.sysadmin.recovery :)

        SAART (SystemAdminAttitudeRe-adjustmentTool) soon in use 
        here :)

Pekka Koski <koski(_at_)rieska(_dot_)oulu(_dot_)fi>  -  CRIS  #2351 TNeck 
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