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Re: Newbie advise, please

1996-06-14 07:27:48
On Fri, 14 Jun 1996 13:33:28 +0200 (DST),
Rune Mossige <sttsrm(_at_)norway(_dot_)waii(_dot_)com> wrote:
I have the VERBOSE=on in the ~/.procmailrc file, but the logs are empty 
for the missing e-mails!
Does anyone have a clue or hint as to where I should start looking? 

Save your incoming mail to a safe place. You can have .forward deliver
to multiple places, including directly into files. (Make sure the file
exists and is writable, though!)

Here's my old testing .forward:

"|IFS=' ';exec /usr/local/bin/procmail # reriksso"

Just make sure the file you name exists and is writable (I can't say
this too many times because I always find myself forgetting it :-) and
you'll be fine. 

Hope this helps,

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