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Re: "From:", "From:" -> "FFrom:", "rom:"

1996-06-14 07:48:14
Postmaster <jimd(_at_)saluki-dns2(_dot_)it(_dot_)siu(_dot_)edu> writes:
Since implementing Procmail V3.10 (AIX V3.2.5, ipop3d
V3.3(20), NO_fcntl_LOCK, NO_lockf_LOCK, NO_flock_LOCK), some mail gets
munged such that the "From:" headers from two consecutive notes get
changed to "FFrom:" and "rom:".
I occassionally get 'Lock failure on "/usr/spool/mail/<userid>.lock"',
messages for return receipts.

I am more concerned about the munged "From:" headers. Anyone got any
ideas? Thanks.

I would guess that the munged From: headers are due to the locking
failures.  Have you looked at _why_ procmail is getting lock failures?
Possible causes include:

1) delivering mail on NFS clients with broken lock daemons
2) delivering mail on NFS clients whose server has a broken lock daemon
3) bad perms on mail spool & underpriviledged copy of procmail (do the
        account having problems have explicit .forward files feeding
        into procmail?)
4) not enough directories were given to procmail's configuration script
        to test locking against.  Were all the different classes of
        directories (NFS mounted from server running WomBatOS V6.66,
        NFS mounted from server running WomBatOS V66.6, local, etc)

Philip Guenther

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