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Content-Length: generation (Re: formail -ds or -s)

1996-08-05 15:07:45
Stan Ryckman <stanr(_at_)sunspot(_dot_)tiac(_dot_)net> wrote:
A couple of months ago (and for the life of me, I can't now remember
why!) I came up with a case where I would have liked formail to
generate a Content-Length: header for me.  An option to do that
might be nice, although you could also work it off the -a/-A switches

Formail can't do it, because it never reads in the entire mail.
Procmail can do it though.
To add a correct Content-Length: field to a message, use:

formail -I "Content-Length: 0123456789" <mailwithoutcontlen |
 procmail DEFAULT='|' /dev/null >mailwithcontlen
           Stephen R. van den Berg (AKA BuGless).
Our four weapons are: fear, surprise, a ruthless efficiency, an almost
fanatical devotion to the Pope... and nice red uniforms.

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