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Re: How to match on empty body?

1996-10-14 10:09:37
era eriksson wrote:
On Mon, 14 Oct 1996 08:16:22 -0400 (EDT), Rick Troxel
<rick(_at_)helix(_dot_)nih(_dot_)gov> wrote:
 > Is there a recipe for detecting messages in which the body is empty?
 > The following recipe doesn't work, because (according to the verbose
 > log) the "< 2" condition doesn't match.

As far as I can tell, the > and < tests compare the size of the
+whole+ message, including headers. I'd like to see a means to measure
the size of the body directly, too. Meanwhile, I believe you can use
scoring to count the number of lines in the body. See the
procmailsc(5) manual page; I should hope it can explain better than I
can ;-)

The following (only sloppily tested) should test for an empty body:
        ISEMPTY=|gawk '/^$/{x=1}\
                x && NF>0 {print "NO"; x=2; exit}\
                END{ if(x<2) print "YES"}'

(I used gawk because some older awks will choke on "x && NF>0"
but you can use "if"'s to get around that if needed.)

Something like the following (not at all tested) should count words
in the body if that's what is wanted:
        BODYWORDS=|gawk '/^$/{x=1}\
                x {bodywords += NF}\
                END{ print 0+bodywords}'
(easily changed to whatever you want for "size"; if characters,
add up 1+length($0) instead of NF, for example, the 1 being for
the newline with each $0.)

May not be the best way, but it should work.  Hope that helps.

Stan Ryckman (stanr(_at_)tiac(_dot_)net)

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