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Re: Expiring users, how to do that?

1996-10-31 07:46:49
I'd like to implement a softer way of deleting users. Previously, I just
removed their account as soon as they left, causing all mail to them to

It is better to have the departing users provide you with a forwarding
address.  This behaviour is analogous to how "snail" mail operates: when
you move, you must provide the Post Office with a new address, or you
lose your mail (actually, the new occupants get it).

I have a forwarding recipe file that I've been developing, and which is
not completely tested; if you wish to try it out, and fix any bugs, it
would be great.

The comments within describe several ways to use it, but, for your
purpose above, you should try method (e).

G'luck.  And, please, send me any fixes you may see fit to apply.
Alan Stebbens <aks(_at_)sgi(_dot_)com>

============================= cut here ===================================
# correct-addr.rc
# $Id: correct-addr.rc,v 1996/08/16 18:27:11 aks Exp $
#    Copyright (C) 1996 Alan K. Stebbens <aks(_at_)sgi(_dot_)com>
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# Procmail recipe file to help forward mail from an OLD address to a 
# NEW address, and do some mailing list mail management.
# This recipe file is intended to make it easy for users to forward
# their mail from their old address to a new address, and, at the same
# time, educate their correspondants about it by CC'ing them with the
# mail.
# Only mail directly addressing the user at the old address will cause a
# "correction notice" to be sent.
# Mail *not* directly addressing the old address (eg: from a mailing list)
# is treated separately, according to the MAILLIST variable; it can be one
# or more of these values:
#   drop        This is the default behaviour, and is only defined to
#               explicitly acknowledge this.  In other words, "drop"
#               and "forward" are mutually exclusive, and omitting
#               "forward" implies "drop", but not vice versa.
#   forward     forward all mailing list mail to $NEWADDR, inserting 
#               "Resent-From:" and "Resent-To:" headers.  Of course,
#               $NEWADDR must also be defined.
#   report      report the headers of all mailing list mail to 
#               $POSTMASTER, so that the person handling this role can
#               send the appropriate unsubscription requests.
#   bounce      return all mailing list mail with "User has moved!" to
#               the "request" or "owner" address; great pains are taken
#               to not respond to a general distribution list address.
#               If the proper list address cannot be determined, then
#               the ultimate fallback return address is "postmaster" at
#               the originating domain.
#   remove      If the originating mailing list software type can be
#               determined, automatically generate an "unsubscribe"
#               address on the $OLDADDR.  Currently, the recipe
#               understands Majordomo, SmartList, and LISTSERV commands.
#               If the mailing list software cannot be determined, then
#               falls back to "report" action.
#   change      If the originating mailing list software type can be
#               determined, automatically generate mails to the list 
#               request address to unsubscribe the old address and to
#               subscribe the new address, if given.  If the mailing
#               list software cannot be determined, then falls back
#               to "report" action.
# Multiple keywords can be given to accomplish several things on the
# mailing list mail.
# Without the "forward" keyword, mailing list mail will not ever be
# forwarded, even if NEWADDR is defined.  Therefore, to have mailing
# list mail be both forwarded and bounced, use "forward,bounce".  To
# have mailing list mail be forwarded, and have the subscription
# changed where possible, use "forward,change".
# Usage:
#   These variables are *optional*, with the defaults as shown:
#               The primary old login; this will be used in the
#               correction notice sent to correspondants.
#       OLDUSER=$FRIENDLY (see get-from.rc}
#               The user's old real name, included in the correction
#               notice.  If not set by the user, FRIENDLY is used, which
#               is determined by the procmail recipe file "get-from.rc".
#               A regexp matching the old login name(s).  If the user
#               received mail at more than one login name, this should
#               match them all.  For most users, the default is fine.
#       NOTLOGINS=
#               A regexp matching logins mail to which should NOT be
#               forwarded or corrected.  This can be used to form
#               a filter to correct mail addressed ambiguously.  See
#               the man page for examples.
#               Any mail containing subjects matching this regexp does
#               not get corrected or filtered.
#       DOMAIN=
#               The domain in which this user resides; without this
#               definition, this script can only match on the user
#               name.
#       HOSTS='[^.      ]+'
#               A regexp matching the hosts at which the OLDLOGIN
#               receives mail.  This is used in conjunction with $DOMAIN
#               so don't place the domain in this regexp.
#       NEWADDR=
#               The address to which mail should be forwarded.  There is
#               no default, resulting in no forwarding; in this case, only
#               reply with "no such user" notices.
#               The new user name, defaulting to the old user name.  This
#               is used for correction notices.
#       POSTMASTER=Postmaster <postmaster>
#               This is used as the From: address for both the correction
#               "no such user" notices.
#       MAILLIST=[keyword,...]
#               One or more keywords: forward, report, bounce, remove, 
#               or change, separated by spaces or commas.  See the 
#               description above for details.
#       INCLUDERC=correct-addr.rc
# Examples:
# a. John Carter has moved from his current location to 
#    and he wishes to have his mailing mail forwarded.
#       NEWADDR   =     carter(_at_)mars(_dot_)com
#       MAILLIST  =     forward
#       INCLUDERC = correct-addr.rc
# b. Clark Kent has moved back to his hometown, and does not want his
#    mail forwarded at all, especially his mailing lists.
#       NEWADDR                         # guarantee no NEWADDR
#       MAILLIST  =     bounce,remove
#       INCLUDERC = correct-addr.rc
# c. Dennis Mitchell has been receiving mail by many aliases, and, having
#    gone off to college, wishes to have all of his mail sent to his
#    new email address.
#       NEWADDR   =     menace(_at_)engineering(_dot_)ucsb(_dot_)edu
#       OLDLOGINS =     "(Dennis|D.Mitchell|Dennis.Mitchell|Menace)"
#       MAILLIST  =     forward
#       INCLUDERC = correct-addr.rc
# d. Lois Lane has gotten married, and wishes to have her mail forwarded
#    to her new address, with her mailing list subscriptions changed, and
#    she wishes to have any correction notices mention her new name.
#       NEWADDR   =     lois(_at_)smallville(_dot_)ia(_dot_)us
#       OLDLOGINS =     "(Lois|Lane|L.Lane|Lois[._]Lane)"
#       NEWUSER   =     "Lois Kent"
#       MAILLIST  =     forward,change
#       INCLUDERC = correct-addr.rc
# e. Tom, a clever system manager, has installed an automatic alias for
#    users when their logins expires (and they no longer have a home
#    directory in which to place a ~/.procmailrc file), which invokes 
#    a small shell script, called "correct-mail":
#       olduser1: "|correct-mail olduser1"
#       olduser2: "|correct-mail olduser2"
#    The shell script looks like this:
#       #!/bin/sh
#       PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin ; export PATH
#       procmail -m     LOGNAME=$1                              \
#                       MAILLIST=bounce,report                  \
#                       DEFAULT=/dev/null                       \
#                       MAILDIR=/tmp                            \
#                       LOGFILE=/usr/adm/correct-mail.log       \
#                       LOGABSTRACT=yes                         \
#               /etc/procmailrcs/correct-addr.rc

# First let's do some optional logging
# If the file "correct-addr.rc.log" exists, we log extensively
# to it.

* ? test -f correct-addr.rc.log

# A temporary file used to hold mail being reported to the postmaster$LOGNAME

# Make sure variables have default settings

HOSTS=${HOSTS:-'[^.     >(),;]+'}
POSTMASTER="${POSTMASTER:-\"Postmaster <postmaster>\"}"

DOMAIN="`echo \"$DOMAIN\" | sed -e 's/\\./\\\\./'`"

# HOSTPART matches the entire hostname part of an address
HOSTPART="(@($HOSTS(\.$DOMAIN)?|$DOMAIN))?([,();>        ]|$)"

# Define a regexp matching the old addresses

# There isn't a set of other logins
:0 E

# Okay -- now begin the basic tests.

# Be sure we don't loop
* $ ^X-Loop: $LOGNAME(_at_)$HOST
{ }

# Make sure that the negative filters do not apply

# If there is a NOTLOGINS defined, and it matches the addressee
# then don't correct/forward
:0 E
{ }

# If there is a NOTSUBJECTS defined, and it matches the subject
# then don't correct or forward
:0 E
* $ ! ^Subject: *$NOTSUBJECTS
{ }

# Else, if the mail matches the OLDLOGINS, then correct and forward
:0 E
  # Begin the correction and forwarding part

  * OLDADDR ?? [,();    >]$
  { OLDADDR="`echo \"$OLDADDR\" | sed -e 's/[,();       >]$//'`" }

  # First, save a copy

  :0 c

  # Set OLDUSER to FRIENDLY if not already set
  * ! OLDUSER ?? .
  { INCLUDERC=get-from.rc

  # Generate a new header
  :0 fhw
  | formail -rt   -I"From: $POSTMASTER" \
                  -I"Subject: Your mail to $OLDADDR" \
                  -I"X-Loop: $LOGNAME(_at_)$HOST" 

  # Is there a new address for forwarding?
  :0 a
  * NEWADDR ?? .
    # Be sure NEWUSER is set

    # Make sure the new user gets a copy of the correction notice
    :0 afhw
    | formail -A"Cc: $NEWADDR ($NEWUSER)" 

    :0 afbi
    | echo "Your mail to $OLDUSER at:" ;        \
      echo "" ;                                 \
      echo "    $OLDADDR" ;                     \
      echo "" ;                                 \
      echo "is no longer correct; ${NEWUSER} now receives mail at:" ; \
      echo "" ;                                 \
      echo "    $NEWADDR" ;                     \
      echo "" ;                                 \
      echo "This message, with your original mail, is also being forwarded" ; \
      echo "to the new address." ;              \
      echo "" ;                                 \
      echo "Please remember to update the address you have for $NEWUSER in" ; \
      echo "any mail address database you may use." 

  # If NEWADDR is not set, just tell the sender that this address 
  # is no longer valid
  :0 Efbi
  | echo "Your mail to $OLDUSER at:" ;  \
    echo "" ;                           \
    echo "      $OLDADDR" ;             \
    echo "" ;                           \
    echo "is being returned because this user is no longer at this address" ; \
    echo "and no forwarding address has been provided."

  # Append the signature and the original mail, and send it
  :0 fb
  | cat ;                                       \
    echo "" ;                                   \
    echo "Regards, the $POSTMASTER" ;           \
    echo "" ;                                   \
    echo "Your original mail follows:" ;        \
    echo "------------------------------------------------------------" ; \
    formail <$REPORTMAIL



  # Now ship off the mail to sendmail
  ! -oi -t

# If the mail wasn't directly to $OLDLOGIN, it is mail from a 
# mailing list, so don't send a correction notice, 

#### Mailing list mail ####

:0 E
* MAILLIST ?? (forward|report|bounce|remove|change)
* $!^X-Loop: $LOGNAME(_at_)$HOST

  # Both change and remove require some mailing list heuristics
  # Use common code for this
  * MAILLIST ?? (change|remove)
    # get common header definitions

    # Try to determine the mailer address

    # ***** NOT YET IMPLEMENTED *****


  * MAILLIST ?? report
    :0 chw                      # save a copy of the headers
    | sed -en '1,/^[     ]*$/s/^/    /p' >tmp.mail

    :0 fhw                      # generate report header to Postmaster
    | formail   -I"From:    Mailer-Daemon <mailer-daemon>"               \
                -I"To:      $POSTMASTER"                                 \
                -I"Subject: Mailing list mail to old address: $OLDLOGIN" \
                -I"X-Loop: $LOGNAME(_at_)$HOST"

    :0 afbw                     # make a report
    | echo "Mail is still being sent to $OLDLOGIN indirectly, possibly" ;     \
      echo "through a mailing list.  The headers of the mail are supplied " ; \
      echo "below." ;                                                         \
      echo "" ;                                                               \
      echo "------------------- Original mail headers ------------------" ;   \
      cat tmp.mail


    :0 aw                       # file the report
    ! -oi -t

  # forward it if NEWADDR defined, and MAILLIST includes "forward"
  * MAILLIST ?? forward
  * NEWADDR ?? .
  { # Add new headers indicating the forwarding
    :0 fhw
    | formail   -A"X-Loop: $LOGNAME(_at_)$HOST"         \
                -i"Resent-From: $OLDADDR"       \
                -i"Resent-To:   $NEWADDR"
    :0 aw
    ! $NEWADDR

  # Otherwise, assume a drop


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