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Re: splitting digests, catching duplicates

1996-12-05 20:02:01
      How do I add the newsgroup line?

    | formail -I"Newsgroup: whatever"

      How do I perform your action on the messages inside the digest?

Split them with formail, and run the recipe file with "procmail -m" on
each message. 

this is what I'm using now

*^Subject: next-software
| formail +1 -des procmail $DIGESTS/Software

To perform a recipe on each message in a digest, you must run a procmail
filter on each message.  What you suggested looks fine; of course, I
can't test it myself.

    formail -des procmail -m some-recipe.rc <digest-file

The recipe file "some-recipe.rc" is a file which you must prepare with
the desired recipe.  If your final recipe in that file is:


Then the recipe file will act like a "normal" Unix filter, and the mail
will appear on the STDOUT, with whatever changes you have applied. 

In other words, you can run the "filter.rc" like this:

    procmail -m filter.rc <mailinput >mailoutput

Of course, you can also program the recipe to file the messages, either
to a folder or directory, or, you can pipe it to a program.

To write a procmail recipe "filter" as a program, do something like
this (your system and shell must support "#!" interpretation):

Create the filter program; I'm calling it "filter":

    #!/usr/local/bin/procmail -m

    # whatever recipes you like, such as these...
    :0Wh:               # check the message-ids
    * ^Message-Id:
    | formail -D 8192 .msgids
    :0E                 # else, check for md5 checksums
    {   :0b
        | fgrep -s "$SUM" .checksums
        JUNK=`(tail -8000 .checksums; echo "$SUM")>;
               mv .checksums`
        |formail -I"X-Checksum: $SUM"
    :0fh                # mark a news group??
    | formail -I"Newsgroup: foobar"

    :0                  # final recipe to show the mail on STDOUT

Mark the file as executable:

    chmod +x filter

Then, use the "filter" program like this:

    formail +1 -des filter <digest-file >filtered-digest-file

Only the messages which are passed by the "filter" script will be
written to "filtered-digest-file".

If you write "filter" to submit the messages to a pipe, then you don't
need to redirect STDOUT on the "formail" command line.
Alan Stebbens <aks(_at_)sgi(_dot_)com>